Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2238 Chenchen, I'll find you a teacher

Chapter 2238 Chenchen, I'll find you a teacher
News from Lu Zhi came one after another.

【When are you going to leave? 】

Qiao Nian raised her hands, her eyelids drooped, and seeing Lu Zhi's message again, she edited the message back to him with both hands: [Saturday, the time is uncertain. 】

She's afraid she won't be able to get up in the morning.

So the exact time to go depends on what time she gets up.

There was no sound from Lu Zhi for a while.

Qiao Nian didn't care, put the phone back, and looked at the little guy who was studying hard for several seconds.

She suddenly said: "Chenchen, do you like programming very much?"


Unknown, Ye Qichen raised his head. When he saw Qiao Nian's face, his eyes lit up a little, his ears turned red, and he said shyly, "I, I like it."

He added silently in his heart: Because my sister likes programming, so he likes programming!

Qiao Nian didn't know what he wanted to say, so she nodded, her delicate face was cool and sassy, ​​and said, "I'll find you a teacher to teach you."

Ye Qichen blinked his eyes, reluctantly, and asked in a low voice: "Sister, can't you teach me?"

Qiao Nian looked back at him, and saw the unconcealed disappointed expression on his face at a glance, his heart was wrenched, and his heart softened again.

With her hand on the mouse, she didn't know how to coax the child, her voice was a little low and hoarse: "I can teach you. But you need to learn systematically, not go wild. I'll find you a teacher to teach you systematically , you can learn from scratch, which will help you in the future.”

Ye Qichen wasn't thinking about his studies, he let out a sigh of disappointment, and tried his best not to let Qiao Nian see it: "I will study hard."

It's so pitiful and cute!
Qiao Nian has always had nothing to do with elders and children, seeing him like this, how could he be willing to make him sad.She walked over, stretched out her hand to ruffle the little guy's hair, lowered her eyes, and said, "I don't care what you mean."

Ye Qichen immediately looked at her with aggrieved eyes, clutched his clothes tightly, and stubbornly refused to speak out.

Knowing his character, Qiao Nian rubbed his hair again, smiled, and said, "I found you a teacher just to make it easier for you to study systematically. I don't care about you. If you don't understand something, you can still do it." Ask me, and I'll tell you when I have time."

"That teacher... is not bad."

Qiao Nian thought for a while: "He specializes in software programming and is better than me in this area. I will tell Aunt Ye about it."

The little guy followed her these days.

Of course, Qiao Nian could see that the Ye family had found a professional teacher for the little guy.

However, the little guy has a super talent in this area, and the teaching methods of ordinary teachers are not suitable for him, and secondly, the teacher may not be able to keep up with his progress.

Rather than letting Ye Qichen keep changing teachers.

She might as well find someone to teach him systematically.

Qiao Nian turned her head and asked his opinion in a gentle tone: "Chenchen, is it okay?"

Ye Qichen was only six years old this year, and ordinary people would not care about the wishes of a six-year-old child, but Qiao Nian asked him in a very equal tone.

Ye Qichen was not able to accept this sudden arrangement at first, but after Qiao Nian explained it to him, he didn't resist so much.

His pretty little face was tense, he lowered his head, thought for a while, then raised his head, looked at Qiao Nian with his big eyes, and grabbed the corner of Qiao Nian's clothes with his small hand: "For example, if my sister is willing in the future... Teach me, and I can do it."

"En." Qiao Nian turned around and said, "I'll go talk to Aunt Ye."

(End of this chapter)

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