Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2239 Sister Nian makes a move, the Zhou family is a fool

Chapter 2239 As soon as sister Nian makes a move, the Zhou family is a fool
In addition, she has to talk to someone.

Qiao Nian first contacted Hongmeng, and then called Ye Lan.


At that time, the Ye Family in Beijing City.

Ye Lan is in the old house, discussing this matter with Mr. Ye.

"Dad, I want to discuss with you about Chenchen's teacher."

Ye Maoshan was teasing the birds. Hearing this, he put down the bird food in his hand and turned his head to look at her: "What's wrong with Teacher Chenchen?"

For more than a year, he has been eating the "San Wu Health Products", a local specialty around the city given to him by Qiao Nian. Full of spirit.

"Didn't he go out to play with that unworthy descendant at home?"

Mr. Ye mentioned Ye Fanchuan in a dissatisfied tone, wishing he could screw him back and beat him up personally, and said angrily: "He didn't come back by himself, and took Chenchen away with him. I think he wanted to make him come back. I, the old man, will die alone!"

Embarrassed, Ye Lan rubbed the bridge of her nose and explained: "Chenchen missed her so much, and wanted to see her sister, so Wang Chuan had no choice but to take him there."


As soon as Ye Lan mentioned Qiao Nian.

Mr. Ye's anger eased a little, he loosened his brows, and looked at her: "Speaking of which, Nian Nian still doesn't plan to come back?"

"She said it will take a while." Ye Lan didn't ask Qiao Nian about her personal affairs, and she was very measured.

Mr. Ye didn't mention it any more: "By the way, you are talking about Chenchen's teacher? What's the matter with Teacher Chenchen?"

Ye Lan hesitated and said: "I think Chenchen is very talented in programming. Recently, the Zhou family found me and said that Zhou Hengfeng is willing to teach Chenchen. I was just thinking..."

"How do they know that we are looking for a programming teacher?" When Mr. Ye heard about Zhou's family, his face became serious, and his expression quickly turned cold.

Ye Lan shook her head helplessly: "The circle in Beijing is so big, maybe someone told them."

Shen Jingyan has also been looking for her these days, wanting to mend relations with them, including Weiying, who has restrained himself a lot recently.

Ye Lan was thinking about it, and continued: "Zhou Hengfeng is considered a talent in the domestic computer industry. I think Chenchen also needs a teacher who can guide him. Zhou Hengfeng just wants to revitalize the Zhou family. We don't care about that, just give He's paid what he deserves."

"I don't agree." Before Ye Lan finished speaking, he was flatly rejected by Mr. Ye.

Grandpa Ye looked at her with piercing eyes, and couldn't help but say, "Have you forgotten about Zhou Wei? Don't mention it again! We won't find him as a teacher."

Ye Lan also got a lot of contacts from the Zhou family and asked people to talk to her several times before she gradually became a little moved. When Mr. Ye mentioned Zhou Wei, she fell silent.

I was already ashamed of my heartbeat at that moment.

So when Old Man Ye said he disagreed, she didn't mention it anymore, but just sighed secretly, wondering what kind of teacher Ye Qichen should find.

She's thinking about this.

Qiao Nian's news arrived.

Ye Lan was originally absent-minded, but when she saw that Qiao Nian had sent her a message, she raised a little energy and opened it to take a look.

At first glance, the whole person is stupid.


Mr. Ye had already picked up the bird food next to him and continued to feed the birds. Hearing this, he thought she was going to mention Zhou Hengfeng, so he frowned: "I told you, even if our family can't find a teacher, we won't ask Zhou Hengfeng to come." Teaching Chenchen..."

"No." Ye Lan hurriedly interrupted him, got up and handed the phone in front of him, and said excitedly, "It's Nian Nian. Nian Nian sent a message saying that she found a teacher for Chenchen."

Ye Maoshan couldn't help taking the phone from her hand, and looked down.

Qiao Nian also mentioned the teacher's name in WeChat.

[Qiao Nian: Hongmeng's, slim waist control. 】

(End of this chapter)

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