Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2247 Sister Nian's mother's notebook fell into Ji Ziyin's hands

Chapter 2247 Sister Nian's mother's notebook fell into Ji Ziyin's hands
But everyone is a gangster in the independent state circle, and he can't do it too obviously, so he can only go to the side and say to Han Cheng: "Forget it, I'll pick it up and see what she wants from me."

On the other side, in a villa area somewhere in Independence Island.

"Well, I still want to ask Senior Brother Cao out for a meal. Several acquaintances from the research institute will come over, Senior Brother Dai and the others are all here."

The woman with good looks and outstanding temperament lowered her eyes, her eyelashes trembled slightly, suppressed the displeasure in her eyes, and said in a regretful tone: "Since Brother Cao is not free that day, I won't bother you."

As if the person on the other end of the phone couldn't wait to hang up on her, he immediately found an excuse to say goodbye to her.

The corners of Ji Ziyin's mouth dropped uncontrollably, and the bottom of her eyes were full of sharpness. She hummed gracefully, "Well, goodbye."

Cao Yanhua hung up the phone.

When she heard the sound of beeps on the other end of the phone, her complexion had changed, and she slammed the phone down on the ground, her chest heaving up and down, showing that she was very angry.

Seeing her reaction, Ji Xiao knew that things were not going well: "Cao Yanhua won't come out?"

"He only recognizes that Qiao Nian now, how can he take me seriously." Ji Ziyin's tone was obviously sour.

She suppressed the jealousy in her heart, walked around the room, stopped, and said to Ji Xiao: "Since I was kicked out of the institute, there are fewer and fewer people in the institute who still keep in touch with me. If this continues, the number of people I can date will become less and less..."

How could Ji Ziyin be willing to let go of the social network she had built with great difficulty.

But the reality is so cruel.

Not to mention that there are fewer and fewer people in the research institute who are willing to talk to her, even the Ji family... As Ji Hongfeng began to study with Master Yu and the others, her status plummeted, and the Ji family also took her less and less seriously. She was eliminated by default.

Ji Ziyin suppressed the anger in her heart and closed her eyes suddenly.

She was selected into Ji's family at the age of five, studied with famous teachers, and worked hard step by step from a side branch to today.

How could she let her 20 years of hard work go to waste!
She doesn't want to go back to the old days...

She wants to be a master!

How could Ji Xiao not know that the current situation is extremely unfavorable to him, he got up and put his hand on Ji Ziyin's shoulder, patted it lightly, and said with a sullen face, "Didn't you take it from the old thing?" Got that notebook?"

The old thing he was talking about was Ji Hongyuan.

"If you think about it from another angle, if Qiao Nian hadn't been too arrogant to push that old guy to a desperate situation, how could he be willing to give you his privately kept notebook."

Ji Xiao's eyes were full of ambition, and he said in a low voice, "As long as we have this notebook... it will only be a matter of time before we come back."

The most brilliant level 8 laboratory members ever had a notebook for their own experiments, and Xie Tingyun's notebook was given to Qiao Nian.

Gu Hengbo is a chicken thief, he covers his notebook tightly, no one will give it to anyone, and he never mentions it.

None of these people's notebooks are the most precious...

In fact, the most precious thing is a name that few people in Independent Continent know - Jiqing.

Ji Qing's notebook is a priceless treasure.

There are countless precious experimental records in it, any one of them is enough for people in Independent Continent to go crazy.

But the notebook is long gone.

No one would have guessed that Ji Qing's notebook has always been in Ji Hongyuan's hands, and this time Ji Hongyuan gave the notebook to Ji Ziyin... This is why Ji Ziyin can still hold her breath.

(End of this chapter)

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