Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2248 She is about to decide the position of the heir of the first research institute

Chapter 2248 She is about to decide the position of the heir of the first research institute
Ji Xiao patted her on the shoulder, silently comforting: "Sooner or later we will make them regret it!"

Ji Ziyin thought of the notebook she had just gotten not long ago, and clenched the hand hanging by her side, a slight smile finally appeared on her face, she lifted her hair by her ear, and said softly, "Yes, people don't Always be lucky. So be a low-key person, lest you have no place to cry when you are unlucky."

She is going to be the heir of the First Research Institute!

Why did Qiao Nian argue with her...

No one deserves to compete with her!

Airport in Independence.

Qiao Nian wanted to go back, Ye Fanchuan also wanted to go back.

Both Gu San and Qin Si planned to go back.

Two brothers, Mo Dong and Mo Xi, came to see off the plane. When they arrived at the airport, Mo Dong parked the car, and Mo Xi quickly got out of the car, and took the luggage for the two of them quickly.

Qiao Nian and Ye Fanchuan didn't bring much stuff, Qiao Nian only brought a black shoulder bag, and Moxi twisted it lightly in his hand and it didn't weigh much. It is estimated that there was only a laptop and two pieces of clothes in it, nothing else bring.

Ye Wangchuan also only has a small dark blue suitcase, which doesn't look heavy, and it is estimated that there is not much stuff in it.

Moxi dragged the two people's things over, and said to the two people who had just got off the car: "Master Wang, Miss Qiao, let me take you in."

"Let me do it." Qiao Nian stretched out her hand to him, signaling that he doesn't need to help her carry the bag.

Just as Moxi was about to say that he was the one to come, Ye Fanchuan's eyes drifted over, Moxi received it in seconds, and silently returned the bag in his hand to the girl.

On the one hand, he said uneasy: "Miss Qiao, in fact, I can help you carry the bag, that bag is not heavy."

"It's okay, I'm used to doing it by myself." Qiao Nian put her shoulder bag on her shoulders and put one hand in the pocket when the phone in her pocket rang. She took out the phone and looked at it, then said to the two of them, "I'll pick it up." a phone call."

Gu San and Qin Si went to the trunk to get the luggage by themselves.

Both of them have a lot of luggage.

Especially before Qin Si set off, he bought a lot of special products from Independence Continent and planned to take them back as gifts.

He packed three suitcases alone, with big bags and small bags in his hands, and wheezing and wheezing he managed to keep up with the large army. His sharp eyes saw the girl walking to the side, and he dragged the suitcase and followed quickly. , and asked the handsome young man standing there: "Master Wang, where is sister Qiao going?"

"Jiang's phone number." Ye Wangchuan answered him concisely, then ignored him, and walked into the airport first.

Qin Si was still hesitating whether to stand still and wait for Qiao Nian to come back, or to follow.

After a while, Ye Wangchuan turned back.

There are two more cups of hot cocoa in hand.

At first glance, it was bought for Qiao Nian.

Qin Si's eyes became hot, he stared at one of the cups, and licked his lower lip, knowing that he was asking for trouble, he still went up to him shamelessly and said, "Master Wang, what a coincidence, how do you know I'm thirsty."

Ye Wangchuan dodged directly, and glanced at him ruthlessly: "Go and buy it yourself."

Qin Si yelled, but unfortunately no one paid attention to him.

Ye Qichen himself had a small suitcase, but he was very cool, and he didn't ask adults to help him at all, so he carried his suitcase out of the car and dragged it by himself.

When Qiao Nian was around, he still looked cute, sensible and cute.

As soon as Qiao Nian walked away to answer the phone, he instantly returned to his original nature. He didn't like anyone and didn't like to talk to them.

Ye Wangchuan knelt down, handed him one of the cups of hot cocoa, raised his eyebrows and said, "Your, take it."

(End of this chapter)

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