Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2254 Joe read her... come today?

Chapter 2254 Qiao misses her... come back today?
At the same time, Jiang Zongnan had already received the news that Tang Wanru was temporarily detained at the police station.

He left the company's meeting and rushed home, making a phone call first.

"...Captain Bo, she doesn't know anything, there must be a misunderstanding."

The person on the other end of the phone didn't know what to say.

Jiang Zongnan's expression instantly became embarrassing, and he didn't speak for a long time, until finally, he asked dejectedly: "Really, is there any other way?"

One minute later, Jiang Zongnan sighed and said, "I know, I'm sorry to trouble you."

He immediately hung up the phone and walked back to the living room.

in the living room.

Both Jiang Yao and Jiang Li were there.

The atmosphere in the villa is quite heavy.

Both Jiang Yao and Jiang Li rushed back after receiving a call from Jiang Zongnan. Jiang Li also pushed a magazine shooting arrangement and didn't even take a break along the way.

The two of them didn't speak after they came back, and each sat in a corner of the sofa.

At this time Jiang Zongnan came over, and the two stood up at the same time.

Jiang Yao asked anxiously, "Dad, how are you doing?"

Jiang Li also asked, "What did Uncle Bo say?"

"Team Bo said she is an important witness, and the police will not release her until they find Xianrou."

Jiang Zongnan went to the water dispenser and took a glass of water, but couldn't drink it for a long time: "...Your mother probably won't come back tonight."

Jiang Yao took a deep breath, raised his eyebrows and said, "I'll go find someone."

"Stop." Jiang Li called him to stop, the handsome Lian Pang was a little more mature, not as impetuous as before.

He looked at Jiang Yao, and said very coldly: "Who can you find? Dad must have asked all the people you can find. There is a way to bail them out long ago! Do you need to find someone?"

"..." Jiang Zongnan remained silent.

On the way back from the company, he had already made a round of phone calls, trying to release Tang Wanru on bail first, but the situation was more serious than he had imagined.

The man ran away accompanied by Tang Wanru.

Tang Wanru also has corresponding suspicions on her body.

Given the Jiang family's status in the capital city, it is reasonable to temporarily guarantee him out, but... this matter involves the Ye family.

Jiang Zongnan's face is not enough.

No one in Beijing would dare to buy Jiang Zongnan's face!
Tang Wanru was destined to spend tonight at the police station.

After Jiang Li finished speaking, in the past, Jiang Yao would have gone to the police station to find a lawyer to go through bail procedures, but this time Jiang Li called him back, and he didn't even look for someone impulsively.

"Qiao Nian came back from the roundabout today? She..." Jiang Yao just mentioned.

Jiang Li reacted terribly: "Stop dragging her into this! What Jiang Xianrou provoked has nothing to do with Nian Nian, you're almost done!"

Jiang Yao couldn't answer for a while, paused, and said embarrassingly: "I didn't mean that, I just remembered that she played very well on the computer, and I want to ask her to help find it."

In the past, he might have called Qiao Nian confidently, but now that Jiang Yao has experienced some things and is much more mature, he knows that Qiao Nian can't talk to him.

Then he has no face to make this call.

It's not like Jiang Li misunderstood, thinking that he would intercede with Qiao Nian and release him on bail.

Jiang Li frowned impatiently, and said the same thing: "This matter has nothing to do with Nian Nian, don't drag her into it."

"If Mom doesn't go to prison to see her, she won't cause these things at all." Jiang Li waved his hands, feeling extremely irritable: "To put it bluntly, she didn't even think about Mom's responsibility before she ran away... She is really selfish as always. , always only care about yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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