Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2255 I still have to have dinner with Sister Nian at Yufu at night

Chapter 2255 I still have to have dinner with Sister Nian at Yufu at night

Jiang Xianrou would not do this kind of thing if she was concerned about Tang Wanru, but Jiang Xianrou did it, which shows that she is selfish in her bones.

No matter how good Tang Wanru was to her, when the critical moment came, she could walk away without any psychological burden.

Jiang Zongnan's heart was also heavy. He thought for a while, called Jiang Yao to stop, and said to Jiang Yao, "Don't say anything."

Jiang Yao looked at him, but he didn't expect Jiang Zongnan to say that.

Jiang Zongnan was full of things in his heart, and his complexion was rather bad. He pursed his lips and said, "Your grandfather doesn't know about this. You've made a big fuss. If the old man finds out, I don't know how angry he will be."

"Your grandfather is not in good health, and he can't stand it anymore."

"I know." Jiang Yao pinched the palms of his hands. He wasn't worried about Jiang Xianrou, he was more worried about Tang Wanru who was still in the police station: "But Mom's side..."

"She is just suspected. This matter has nothing to do with her. The police will not embarrass her, but they cannot let her go home for the time being."

Jiang Zongnan said that he gradually calmed down, and his elegant face recovered a little, and said to him: "When you find your sister, the police will naturally let her come back."

"I see." Jiang Yao responded, but there was no better way.

He is no longer in Tianchen.

Xu Jishen was the only person he had known over the years who was capable of helping him, but it was impossible for Xu Jishen to help him with Qiao Nian's matter.

Jiang Yao knew this very well.

Another one, he was just worried that Tang Wanru would be frightened by the cold if she stayed overnight at the police station. As for Jiang Xianrou... Since the last time, his love for Jiang Xianrou has weakened a lot.

This time Jiang Xianrou ran away regardless, Jiang Yao and Jiang Li disapproved of her actions in his heart, so he didn't want to bother with her.

"Dad, are we going to have dinner tonight?" Jiang Yao asked what he was most concerned about, and couldn't make up his mind.

Jiang Zongnan patted him on the shoulder, withdrew his hand, and said, "Your grandfather is going to have dinner tonight, and if he saw that we didn't go, he would definitely guess that something happened."

"We should go to eat or go, not to mention that Nian Nian finally came back, and I haven't seen her for a long time."

Jiang Zongnan asked him worriedly: "When you get there, you should be careful, don't talk about it. Let's pretend it's nothing, don't bring it up in front of your grandfather and Niannian, you understand?"

Jiang Yao nodded and agreed.

Jiang Zongnan said the same thing to Jiang Li again. Jiang Li bent down and picked up the sunglasses and mask on the sofa, and said with a sullen face, "I know, I won't leak it, just don't tell it. It's hard to miss her." Come back, at least don't let her have a bad meal because of this."

Jiang Xianrou caused so many troubles, and Nian Nian endured it for the sake of him and the old man, until finally Jiang Xianrou made an unforgivable mistake.

Jiang Xianrou was to blame.

He only hoped that this time at least Qiao Nian could have a meal of peace of mind.

Jiang Yao and his father don't mention it at the dinner table, making Qiao Nian feel uncomfortable even having a meal.

Jiang Zongnan's face turned blue, and he said forbearance: "I've said it all and won't let it be said. Is it possible that I will mention it myself?"

"You used to be like this, you still have to speak for them at the end." Jiang Li didn't look at Jiang Zongnan and Jiang Yao's expressions, picked up his things and went out: "I'm leaving, see you at the Imperial Palace tonight."

Jiang Zongnan and Jiang Yao watched him leave the house without looking back, they were silent and did not stop him in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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