Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2275 He treats Miss Nian as an ordinary person

Chapter 2275 He treats Miss Nian as an ordinary person

He didn't have anything to say, and smoothed things over: "Maybe there is a traffic jam on the road, let's wait."

Qiao Nian didn't say anything, and leaned against the edge of the desk. When Liang Conglin said to wait, she didn't refute, and waited with peace of mind.

Everyone thought that even if Tianchen's people were stuck in traffic, they would be late for at most half an hour. Who would have thought that the wait would be two hours.

Liang Conglin was able to smooth things over at the beginning and find reasons for the opponent.

It's hard for him to make excuses later.

Two hours, it was too long, it was clearly a sham power!

The other party's behavior also indirectly showed that they did not take Tsingda University's scientific research team seriously at all, which is why they were so recklessly late.

"What's going on here?" Qin Si frowned. In front of all the elders, he didn't feel well, but the expression on his handsome face was not very good-looking. He pretended to go out and make a phone call: "I'll call and ask them Where have you been?"

Qiao Nian stopped him first, and said with a dull expression, "I'll do it."

Qin Si looked at her, hesitant to speak.

However, he knew in his heart that Qiao Nian's presence was the only way to facilitate the cooperation this time. He moved his lips, but he couldn't say anything: "Sister Qiao is troublesome."

Qiao Nian took out her mobile phone and was about to go out to call Jian Jin.

As soon as she reached the door, she saw a large group of people walking towards her in the corridor.

It seems to be Tianchen's person.

The leader is a middle-aged foreign man, 50 to [-] years old, there are signs of age in the corners of his eyes and brows, but there is a restrained light in his eyes. It can be seen that his personality is strong and flamboyant, with a hint of arrogance.

The middle-aged man also saw her, walked over, and asked in a polite tone: "Hello, little girl, is this the principal's office?"

Qiao Nian raised her eyebrows, put away her phone slowly, and replied, "Ah, yes."

The man turned his head and nodded to his subordinates, and said, "That's right here, let's go in."

Before he went in, he didn't forget to say "thank you" to the girl, but he thanked the girl with a smile on his face, but he never looked at the person he wanted to thank and walked in.

Qiao Nian watched them go in, then raised the corners of her eyes, clicked her tongue, and walked slowly into the office.

"I'm sorry, Master Cheng, for keeping you waiting." The middle-aged man quickly walked towards Master Cheng to shake hands with Master Cheng as soon as he entered, and explained without distraction: "We encountered something in the hotel, and we were delayed a little. Time. I'm really sorry, do you mind?"

As the saying goes, reach out and don't hit the smiling face.

Even though Liang Conglin and Nie Mi were dissatisfied with each other's behavior, they still politely said that they didn't mind out of politeness.

The middle-aged man smiled slightly, suppressed his smile, and raised his hand to make a gesture. The person under his hand opened the briefcase he was carrying with him, and took out a black laptop from it.

He didn't say much, looked around the office for a week, and said with a smile: "We are here for the chip cooperation project. Since it is a cooperation, we must first exchange the cooperation project. I brought the chip here. , but our chip is not complete, and there is a small bug (loophole) that has not been resolved. I wonder if you can help solve it here? After solving this problem, we can continue to talk."

As he spoke, he turned to the side and made a gesture of 'please'.

Provocative means full.

(End of this chapter)

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