Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2276 Sister Nian: The processor is a bit slower

Chapter 2276 Sister Nian: The processor is a bit slower

Tian Jing was the first to be so angry that she said with a half smile, "What do you mean?"

The middle-aged man looked easy to discuss, found a chair and sat down and said, "This is...Professor Tian? I've been looking forward to it for a long time."

Tian Jing replied sternly: "I don't dare to be that."

The middle-aged man lowered his head and smiled again, then looked up at her, his tone still very 'modest': "Professor Tian, ​​I want to see the strength level of the partner who is about to cooperate, is this not too much to ask?"

"..." Tian Jing frowned, her throat felt hot, and she wanted to argue with him.

The other party's request is certainly not too much.

But they were two hours late at first, and immediately raised the problem of loopholes and asked Tsinghua University to solve them without saying a word.

Apart from other things, at least the behavior of the other party is very impolite.

Just to make it clear that he didn't pay much attention to Qing University!
Just when Tian Jing wanted to fight for the question of 'respect' with reason, Qiao Nian blocked her, stood up slowly, and looked at the middle-aged man who had been sitting there for a long time, with beautiful and deep dark eyes: "You guys To fix the bug, right?"

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't notice that she had also come in. He looked around, looked at Master Cheng and asked, "Master Cheng, this is...?"

Qiao Nian rarely appeared in Tianchen.

Not everyone knows Tian Chen.

Only a very few high-level people can get in touch with Qiao Nian, such as Jian Jin and others.

The other party belongs to the kind of person who is not qualified to know Qiao Nian.

So he didn't meet Qiao Nian in Tianchen, and he didn't know about Qiao Nian's relationship with Tianchen and Lu Zhi.

When he saw the girl at first glance, he instinctively thought that he had met some ordinary student from Tsinghua University, but now he was a little confused.

When Master Cheng saw the girl coming forward, he turned his head to the side and made eye contact with Liang Conglin for a second, probably understanding what Liang Conglin meant.Immediately said to the middle-aged man: "She is a student of Qing University."

"Student?" The middle-aged man frowned, his eyes became sharper, and he tried to be good-tempered and said: "Little girl, this is not a place for you to play. Go back to the classroom if you have nothing to do."

"Qiao Nian, what do you mean?" Liang Conglin asked the girl's attitude seriously.

The girl ignored the middle-aged man, rolled up the sleeve of her left hand, and walked forward casually: "I'm busy, it's best to solve it at once."

Liang Conglin understood, nodded, and agreed: "It's better to solve it once."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Tianchen and his group who were in a cloud of mist, smiled, and said softly: "The students in our school want to try that bug you mentioned earlier."


Not to mention middle-aged men, including Tianchen and his party all showed surprise expressions. Apart from surprise, there was also unconcealable contempt on their faces.

The middle-aged man looked at the girl walking past, didn't say anything, but said contemptuously: "I don't care. But I see her hand is injured, can it work?"

Liang Conglin smiled confidently: "If it was her, she would probably be able to solve your bugs with one hand."

The smile on the middle-aged man's face was slightly restrained, and anger was faintly visible.

But because they provoked first, Liang Conglin fought back, so they couldn't say anything.

under the watchful eyes of all.

The girl went straight to the computer, dragged the chair and sat down, first checked the laptop in a leisurely manner, and said casually: "The processor is a bit slow." The faces of Tianchen's group changed suddenly, each expression Neither look good.

After all, who dares to say bad things about taking the computer inside Tianchen outside?
(End of this chapter)

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