Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2329 What is Feng Lao looking for you for?

Chapter 2329 What is Feng Lao looking for you for?

Jade bracelets are beautiful.

But it is too fragile for her, and it may break if she is not careful.

Qiao Nian withdrew his hand, took off the jade bracelet and put it back into the box, then closed the box and put it away solemnly.

Ye Wangchuan watched her put away the gift, raised his lips slightly, and said to the girl: "This is a coming-of-age gift I gave you in advance."

He prepared a total of 20 gifts. This jade bracelet was designed and polished by himself, and it was considered the first gift.

He was previously absent from her first 19 years.

Now he wants to give her all the compensation that the Qiao family owed her.

Ye Wangchuan knew that Qiao Nian's character might not care about these things, but he couldn't see her being wronged.

His sweetheart should deserve the best in the world, not regrets in life.

If she ever had regrets, he would spend the rest of his life making up for them.

"There are other gifts next month."

Qiao Nian had already put the things away, so she replied, "Yes."

"Why are there still gifts next month?" She thought for a while, then looked back at the man: "What gift do you want?"

Ye Wangchuan looked at her with burning eyes, bent his legs, and walked towards the sofa: "I have received the gift I wanted."

Qiao Nian glanced at him without knowing it, pondered for a while, and asked him again quite seriously: "Are you serious about what you just said about regretting it?"

Just now she meant it half-jokingly, but didn't take it seriously.

Now she has changed her mind.

Ye Wangchuan didn't expect her to think of this again. He lowered his head and coughed lightly to cover up, reached out and touched the tip of his nose, and said in a helpless tone: "A gentleman's words are hard to follow. I can't wait that much."

"Really?" Qiao Nian gave him a suspicious look and looked him up and down, obviously not believing his words.

After all, someone hasn't looked as calm and composed as he says lately.

But Ye Wangchuan changed the subject, and suddenly brought it up: "What is Lao Feng looking for you for?"

Qiao Nian's attention was distracted by him, and he went to the water dispenser to get himself a glass of water, holding the paper cup, and said casually: "He found an experiment application form left by my mother in the archives of the research institute, and it is the same as the verification form." It was related to decomposition. He suspected that my mother’s departure from the First Research Institute and her early death were all related to this research.”

"Nuclear disintegration?"

As the actual person in charge of Yaomen, Ye Wangchuan is well aware of the situation of all parties.

As soon as Qiao Nian mentioned nuclear disintegration, he immediately thought of the stakes in it.

So he asked the girl, "What do you think?"

"What can I think." Qiao Nian shrugged his shoulders, and said in a nonchalant tone, "The truth is right in front of us, isn't it?"

Ye Wangchuan remained silent.

Qiao Nian walked to the living room with a water glass, and found a place to sit down: "I will continue to investigate. This may involve the hidden family."

Ye Wangchuan looked at her suddenly and frowned, but he didn't persuade her like Feng Yu: "Investigate if you want. But you can't act alone, tell me what you have, and I will act with you."

Qiao Nian used to act alone before, and rarely cooperated with others.

She subconsciously looked at the person she was talking to, touching the seriousness and concern in the other person's eyes.Qiao Nian looked away, lowered his head and took a sip of plain water, put the cup on his knees, lowered his eyes, and said, "Yes."

Qiao Nian got Ji Qing's experiment application form that Feng Yu gave her, and she must start the investigation from the nuclear decomposition experiment.

(End of this chapter)

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