Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2330 He ran eagerly to see his granddaughter-in-law

Chapter 2330 He ran eagerly to see his granddaughter-in-law

She basically spent the next three days in the archives of the First Research Institute.

Feng Yu checked the information in the file room as early as he accidentally found the form, and he found nothing for ten years.

Qiao Nian only searched for three days, but of course he couldn't find anything.

And she soon discovered that not only could there be no records related to nuclear disintegration experiments in the archives of the First Research Institute, even the search engines on the black market did not have such records.

Everything was cleaned up.

It was as if there was a big hand pushing all this behind.

But Qiao Nian didn't give up.

While continuing to soak in the archives of the First Research Institute to search for all the archives of that year, including the experimental records of each laboratory, she asked Guan Yan to search for relevant clues on the Internet through the forces of the Red League...

Because the things Qiao Nian wanted to check were extremely cumbersome and took a lot of time to find, so there was basically no one to see her in the villa these days.

"Has Nian Nian not come back yet?"

In Yaomen Villa.

Mr. Ye came over early in the morning, sitting on the sofa, his buttocks were almost worn out, he finally couldn't hold back, he stretched his neck and looked towards the door, and called to Gu San who was making tea for him again.

Gu San was about to enter the kitchen, but when he heard this, he stopped, scratched his head, and said blankly: "If you didn't see what Miss Qiao said, then Miss Qiao probably hasn't come back yet."

Mr. Ye frowned, and looked at him speechlessly: "If I saw her come back, why would I ask you?!"

Gu San stood there, scratching his head even more innocently: "But I don't know when Miss Qiao will come back."

"If you have anything to do with Miss Qiao, you can call her."

Mr. Ye took a deep look at him and waved his hands completely: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you."

After he finished speaking, he got up to leave.

Gu San looked around in a daze, and hurriedly said, "I'll take you back."

Mr. Ye didn't like him now, so he left without letting him see him off.

The place where he lives is not far from the villa, which is also a villa of about the same size.

After Mr. Ye returned, he happened to see Ye Lan on the phone.

Out of the corner of Ye Lan's eyes, she saw him come back, said a few words to the other end, hung up the phone in a hurry, walked over and said, "Dad, you are back. Did you see Nian Nian?"

Mr. Ye walked in by himself: "She went out at eight o'clock in the morning, and she seemed to have gone to the First Research Institute. I went half an hour late and didn't meet her."

Ye Lan poured him a cup of tea and handed it over.

Mr. Ye waved his hand and said, "I won't drink anymore. I drank a lot of water during the day, and I really can't drink any more."

Ye Lan couldn't help laughing, bent down to put the teacup on the table, and said with a smile, "Wang Chuan isn't at home?"

"Hmph." Mr. Ye straightened his clothes, obviously in a bad mood, and said, "Look at when that kid stayed at home. When he was in Beijing, he was often not at home. I don't even bother to talk about him!"

Besides, he wasn't looking for Ye Fanchuan himself.

He was tired of watching the brat at home for more than 20 years, and he ran eagerly because he wanted to see his granddaughter-in-law.

"By the way, have you checked out what I asked you to check?" Mr. Ye raised his head and asked suddenly.

Ye Lan just wanted to tell him this, but was interrupted: "I found it."

"How?" Mr. Ye became energetic, his tiger eyes were bright, obviously he was very concerned about this matter.

Ye Lan didn't know what expression to put on, the expression on his face was very complicated, and he said with a wry smile: "Nian Nian..."

(End of this chapter)

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