Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2353 Look at the forum quickly, the prelude to slap in the face!

Chapter 2353 Look at the forum quickly, the prelude to slap in the face!
They also heard that Feng Yu rushed to the outside of the large lecture hall of the level 5 laboratory to block people in a rage, and had a fierce quarrel with Gu Hengbo.

As soon as everyone saw Gu Hengbo coming back, they gathered around and asked in concern: "Group Leader Gu, are you okay?"

"Group Leader Gu, I heard that the dean went to the lecture hall outside your laboratory to block you. What is the dean looking for from you?"

"Or for the matter before?"

Gu Hengbo slammed the thermos cup in his hand on the desk, and whispered with difficulty hiding his anger: "He thinks I'm spreading rumors in the institute."

Everyone immediately looked at each other in blank dismay, suspicious in their hearts.

But when they saw that Gu Hengbo was so angry and reacted like being wronged, they suddenly suspected that they were thinking too much.

Someone was the first to cough and said: "Hey, there have been a lot of rumors in the institute these two days, and I have heard something about the dean and the rookie king..."

He immediately frowned and looked at Gu Hengbo and said, "But this matter was only circulated privately in the research institute. Why did the dean insist on finding you and claiming that you revealed it? This is too much!"

Gu Hengbo had a cold face, squinted at him, and said in a bad tone, "You think I know why?"

When he asked such a rhetorical question, no one in the office dared to speak for a long time.

But Feng Yu was too impulsive this time.

The main reason is that he ran to find Gu Hengbo, but he failed to produce relevant evidence.

Gu Hengbo has been good at setting up a person for himself for so many years, and some people in the research institute recognize him very much.

So after Feng Yu went to find Gu Hengbo recklessly, these people complained for him from the bottom of their hearts.

Someone said: "The dean has gone too far this time. Since he heard the gossip in the institute, shouldn't he produce evidence to prove his innocence? He ran to find someone to settle accounts without any evidence, It's's a bit unreasonable."

Others thought so too, but no one said it directly like he did.

The annoyance on Gu Hengbo's face eased a little, and he waved his hands magnanimously, and said in a deep voice, "Forget it, who made him the dean of the First Research Institute."

"The dean can't..."

Gu Hengbo glanced over, and said sternly: "Okay, don't talk about it. What do people think about our No. [-] Research Institute? Everyone is a member of the No. [-] Research Institute. The principle of 'one prospers all prospers, one destroys all ruins'" Shall I tell you?"

The more he maintains the reputation of the First Research Institute, the more Feng Yu's behavior today will not bear the responsibility and demeanor that a dean should have!
Gu Hengbo stopped talking to the people in the office, went straight to the desk and sat down, turned on the computer, with a sullen face, and seemed to start devoting himself to the work of the research institute...

Time passed by minute by minute.

Gu Hengbo was calculating the speed of the matter in his heart, and his eyes were still on the computer screen, but there was a different world in his heart.

He really didn't expect Feng Yu to be so impulsive that he would come to him directly, but that's fine, Feng Yu made such a fuss, and it would be more beneficial to him if things got bigger.

Gu Hengbo was in a good mood, unconsciously operating the mouse, browsing some information on the scientific research forum.

at this time.

Someone in the office suddenly said: "Look at the forum!"

Gu Hengbo frowned, raised his head, and was about to tell them to be quiet and not to disturb his 'work'.

(End of this chapter)

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