Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2354 Iron-like evidence is in front of you

Chapter 2354 Iron-like evidence is in front of you
The person who asked people to watch the forum walked up to him quickly, put his mobile phone in front of him, and said anxiously: "Group leader Gu, look quickly! It's related to you, is there someone in your group called Bai Hui's person? She posted on the WLA forum."

"Who are you talking about? Bai Hui...there are so many people in the level 5 laboratory, how do I know everyone's name?"

At first, Gu Hengbo was extremely unhappy that the other party was so unruly, but in the next second he seemed to remember who it was, and with his brows erect, he snatched the phone from that person: "Let me see!"

Others also pulled out their phones and were reading posts on the WLA forum.

According to the rules of the WLA forum, people who are not WLA members are not eligible to log in to the forum, let alone browse the posts above.

But today is very strange.

The WLA forum is actually open to the public.

Even if they are not members of the WLA forum, they can read the posts at will.

At first glance, the administrator has opened the permissions.

At this time, the post on the WLA forum about Gu Hengbo's taking over the research results of his subordinates was highlighted in red and bold and placed at the top of the forum.

When Gu Hengbo saw the name of the person who posted the post, his eyelids twitched, his breathing stopped, and he pressed the post with his fingers stiffly.

The above is Bai Hui's complaint about how he used his position to occupy the research results of his team members for a long time.

None of this is fatal stuff.

Gu Hengbo is not afraid that the other party will announce this. After all, his qualifications and reputation are there. Who would trust an unknown person instead of trusting him, the head of the 5th level laboratory of the highly respected research institute...

But unexpectedly, Bai Hui gave evidence!

The evidence that he had personally formatted appeared before his eyes again, and the time of these documents was all earlier than the time when he published the results!
Gu Hengbo could hardly breathe for a moment, his mind went blank, his neck seemed to be pinched by an invisible big hand, making him unable to lift his head.

He threw the phone away, furious, and said, "This is framing!"

But this time, none of the people in the office spoke for him.

Bai Hui's evidence is too strong!

The experiment time, experiment photos, and experiment records posted on the forum were all before Gu Hengbo published the results.

Once can be considered an accident.

two times three times?

How about three or four times?
No one is a fool.

Moreover, the evidence released by Bai Hui not only involved Gu Hengbo, but also Gu Hengbo's favorite student Ji Ziyin.

If Gu Hengbo was the only one affected, it could be said that Bai Hui planned everything to not make Gu Hengbo feel better.

But Gu Hengbo's research results were not only occupied by Gu Hengbo alone, Gu Hengbo also gave Ji Ziyin's gold-plated research results of Bai Hui for nothing.

This is hard evidence!
I can't even wash it clean.

Gu Hengbo's mind went blank, and his thoughts were extremely chaotic. After he angrily denounced this as a frame-up, he found that no one followed suit.

He had already started to panic.

No one followed suit, which means no one believed him.

Gu Hengbo didn't care much, took his coat, and hurried out: "I'm going to find the dean!"

Feng Yu's side was forcibly pulled back by Shi Fu, who was being lectured by Shi Fu Haoyi, just now she had controlled her emotions and gradually calmed down.

Who knew that Gu Hengbo would barge in the next second.

"What are you doing?" Feng Yu raised his eyes to see him, his blood pressure, which had been so hard to drop, rose again, and his anger also burst out, pointing at the door, angrily said: "Get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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