Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2355 Slag still wants to struggle for a while

Chapter 2355 Slag still wants to struggle for a while
Not only did Gu Hengbo not go out, but he also rushed in front of him aggressively and said angrily, "Dean, did you do what happened on the WLA forum?"

"What?" Feng Yu was confused by him, and was taken aback for a moment.

But Gu Hengbo insisted: "Don't say you don't know. You thought I was spreading rumors about you and your apprentice outside, so you retaliated and hired a team member from my laboratory to ruin my reputation on the WLA forum. Could it be that Isn't it?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." Feng Yu was puzzled.

He didn't want to talk about Gu Hengbo's madness, so he pointed at the door with a cold face, and said the same words: "Go out, you are not welcome here."

Shi Fu also rubbed his eyebrows and explained to him: "The dean and I have been here since the beginning, and we don't even know what WLA forum you are talking about. Did you make a mistake?"

Feng Yu was too lazy to explain, and said to Shi Fu, "You don't need to tell him that much."

Shi Fu seldom saw such an irrational side of Feng Yu, at least in the past 20 years, Feng Yu has restrained a lot of temper, and rarely confronted people directly.

Gu Hengbo made Feng Yu anxious this time.

Otherwise, Feng Yu wouldn't be so shameless and want to settle accounts with Gu Hengbo in public.

He understood Feng Yu's temper, so he touched his earlobe, stopped talking, but said to Gu Hengbo: "You go out first."

How could Gu Hengbo be willing to leave, he is now riding a tiger, he must throw the blame on Feng Yu's head, otherwise he will not be able to clean up.

So when Shi Fu let him go, he didn't move, his back was still straight, he confronted Feng Yu head-on, and took the lead in sneering: "Principal, you said that you didn't miss questions for your apprentice in advance, do you have evidence to prove your innocence? "

Feng Yu didn't want to talk to him at first, and told him to go out twice, but if he didn't go out, he was already a little annoyed.Hearing Gu Hengbo's words that he was looking for trouble, he suddenly looked at him, his face darkened, and said, "Gu Hengbo, do you really think I can't do anything about you?!"

Gu Hengbo was waiting for this sentence, and immediately sneered: "So the post on the WLA forum is really what you instructed others to do? The purpose is to silence me. Because you think I am spreading rumors outside, so You have to teach me a lesson."

When Feng Yu heard him mention the WLA forum again, his brows were frowned into hemp ropes. He was very puzzled, but he was not stupid. Gu Hengbo mentioned this matter again and again, showing that he had a purpose in it.

He didn't know what Gu Hengbo wanted to do, at least he didn't follow Gu Hengbo's words.

How could Gu Hengbo give up the opportunity to clean himself up? Feng Yu didn't accept the move, so he pressed forward step by step, deliberately provoking Feng Yu: "So the dean, you really missed the questions for your apprentice in advance?"

"No matter how many research results Ji Ziyin has produced in the past three months, she has not been able to solve the problem. Qiao Nian has only been in Independent Continent for a long time, and she has easily completed your problem. Isn't it too easy?"

"Aside from Ji Ziyin, Cao Yanhua, a student of the vice president, also participated in this selection. How many years Cao Yanhua has been in the laboratory, he can't answer the question. Dean, the student you fancy is so talented that you can easily solve the problem. topic."

"Unless the rumors outside are true, you missed the question for her in advance!"

Feng Yu's anger gradually rose, and a pair of old and powerful eyes stared at Gu Hengbo, as if the anger inside was about to be ignited.

There were also many people outside who heard the movement and gathered around the office door.

Gu Hengbo was secretly delighted, and just about to go further, he forced Feng Yu to say the wrong thing and admit that he was dissatisfied with him...

 PS: Master Wang and Sister Nian are on the way with Thor's Hammer.

(End of this chapter)

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