Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2357 Don't you want to be straightforward, sister Nian just throw away the evidence

Chapter 2357 Don't you want to be straightforward, sister Nian just throw away the evidence

He was leaning against the edge of the sofa, still playing with the tea set in his hand, the corners of his mouth curled up in a mocking arc, and he said in a soothing voice: "Or, you can't produce any evidence, Team Leader Gu. You The trouble here is just to cover up my guilty conscience."

Gu Hengbo's expression darkened, and he said sarcastically, "Why should I be guilty?"

"Oh? Didn't you read Bai Hui's post on the WLA forum?"

Wang Shi Wang always knows how to make a person's psychological defense collapse!

"Why don't you explain to us in that post that you seized the research results of your subordinates and gilded yourself and your favorite students?"

Sure enough, Gu Hengbo began to lose his breath: "I don't know what you're talking about. I have nothing to explain! That's framing!"

Qiao Nian sneered, watching him dying, took a step forward, and asked him slowly: "Then who do you mean is planting and framing you?"

"Hmph!" Seeing her, Gu Hengbo turned his eyebrows coldly, as if Qiao Nian was too shameful in his eyes, and his expression was a little distorted for a while: "Who knows who framed me! Isn't it because of these two days?" There have been some gossips in the institute, and you think I said it outside."

His pointed words clearly cast the blame of framing on Feng Yu and Qiao Nian.

Feng Yu almost couldn't hold back his temper and went up to give him a kick.

Fortunately, Qiao Nian didn't give him a chance, and said in a sly manner, "So you mean that the dean and I framed you. You didn't spread those rumors outside?"

How could Gu Hengbo, an old fritter, admit his inner meaning in public, and replied without thinking: "I didn't say that."

Qiao Nian has always been a person who is too lazy to argue with others.

She nodded, took out a tablet from her body, put the tablet in front of Gu Hengbo, stood up straight and asked him: "The night lighthouse is your ID?"

"What night lighthouse?" Feng Yu didn't know the ID of the person spreading the rumors, so Qiao Nian deleted the original post immediately.

Shi Fu was very clear about it, he held him back, and said to him in a low voice, "Qiao Nian is talking about the person who spread the rumor that you missed the question."

Feng Yu frowned, turned her head instinctively, and looked straight at Gu Hengbo.

He thought of Gu Hengbo for the first time, and he was 6% sure that Gu Hengbo did it!

But when the facts were in front of him, he still felt ashamed of Gu Hengbo's behavior.

When Gu Hengbo heard Qiao Nian tell him his ID, his eyes had already started to swim, but he was still calm, with his head held high and his back held high, just two words - don't recognize it!
"I've never heard of this name. If you want to say it, you can say it directly, there is no need to go around in circles."

"it is good."

Who knew that Qiao Nian agreed very readily, and immediately connected the tablet to the projector in Feng Yu's office, and simply projected the pictures on the tablet onto the wall.

The image projected by the huge projector is so clear that even the onlookers in the corridor outside the office can clearly see the content on it.

Qiao Nian turned around, took his hand away from the mouse, looked at Gu Hengbo again, put one hand on the side unrulyly, and said to Gu Hengbo: "You bought an ID of an overseas domain name through the black market and thought that no one would know it. Found you. But you seem to have made a mistake..."

Gu Hengbo's face was livid, his throat was stuffed with cotton, and he was gurgling, but he couldn't make a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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