Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2358 Looking at him is like looking at a dying dog

Chapter 2358 Looking at him is like looking at a dying dog

"...You also need an IP to buy a domain name. As long as you find out the den that sells domain names, you can find your IP from them."

"Coincidentally, you probably thought that no one could find you, and you used the computer in the office of the First Research Institute."

Qiao Nian flipped his peaked cap with white jade-like fingertips, and looked at him with clear black and white eyes: "Group Leader Gu, please explain. Who can go to your office and 'steal' your computer to call for you?" Injustice'? I also want to know that there is no such a selfless person in the First Research Institute."

Gu Hengbo was thrown in the face by a series of evidences, and he was speechless.

He didn't expect Qiao Nian to find so many things.

So before, there was no preparation for the person that the other party said to take the blame for him...


There was an uproar outside, everyone was stunned!
"The person who spread the rumors these two days is Team Leader Gu?"

"God, he's hiding too deep."

"It's not obvious from the outside that he is this kind of person."

"That's why people say 'sanctified'! A person like him is terrible! No wonder none of his subordinates have achieved results in the past few years. Like Bai Hui, they are all occupied by him and his favorite students. .”

"So, few of Ji Ziyin's research results these years are her own?"

There are endless discussions outside.

Gu Hengbo heard everything.

His fingertips were trembling constantly, one side was angry and the other side was frightened.

"You, you are planting me!"

Facing the evidence presented by Qiao Nian, he had no choice but to struggle to the death, this reason was to kill him!

Qiao Nian had already guessed that he would not give up, and would definitely put the blame on planting and framing. How could it be so easy to get out of the body and clean himself up?
She didn't talk nonsense, and turned back, took out a recording pen from her bag and threw it in front of Gu Hengbo.Arms crossed chest, full of perverse: "Listen?"

"what is this?"

Gu Hengbo was already made too afraid to touch the things she gave her, he hesitated for a while, and picked them up slowly.

He looked at the recording pen in his hand, looked at the girl in surprise, and said, "Recording pen? What are you doing with my recording pen?"

"Didn't you say that I framed you? Would you like to listen to what's in it." Qiao Nian's brows and eyes were clear, and she couldn't see any emotional fluctuations.

Gu Hengbo couldn't figure out the meaning of the recording pen she gave him, but he couldn't get off the horse. In order to prove his 'innocence', he could only press the switch on the pen.

"Teacher, don't you think it's strange that Qiao Nian can solve that question? The dean should have missed the question for her in advance."

The first time Ji Ziyin's voice came out of the recorder, Gu Hengbo had already turned off the recorder in a hurry.

His complexion changed drastically, and he suddenly looked at the girl: "Where did you come from!"

Qiao Nian leaned against the edge of the desk, with her legs propped up, and stood a little loosely. Hearing this, she only raised her chin slightly, and raised her peaked cap with her hand, and said in a calm tone, "So you admit that the person in this recorder is you And Ji Ziyin?"

"I..." Gu Hengbo bit the back of his tongue as if he had been hit by a blow, and swallowed back the questioning words abruptly.

Qiao Nian didn't give him any chance to stand up, stared at him, as if looking at a dying dog, and said coldly: "The facts are in front of you. You and Ji Ziyin suspected that the dean had leaked to me in advance without any evidence. Then, in order to confirm your suspicions, you spread rumors on the Internet. Then you pretended to be ignorant and stood up to speak out for those who were deceived by you.”

(End of this chapter)

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