Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2362 Joe Nian wants to decrypt the Morse code above

Chapter 2362 Joe Nian wants to decrypt the Morse code above
Ye Wangchuan took his elbow back, looked at him again, and finally understood.

Mr. Ye has no principles in Qiao Nian's place, and Ye Shan may have found the wrong person for asking him to be a lobbyist...

Ye Maoshan looked at the girl who came out of the first research institute slowly, turned his head, and said to him: "I'm going back to Beijing soon. I'm not here, you have to take good care of Qiao Nian. If you let me know You don't treat Niannian well, let's see how I deal with you when I turn around."

Ye Wangchuan reckoned that he would go back to Beijing after dealing with the overseas business.

After all, with his status, it is easy to be suspicious if he is not in Beijing for a long time.

So Ye Wangchuan was not surprised to hear that he said he was going back, and looked at the person who came out: "Don't worry, I will take good care of her."

Mr. Ye took a deep look at him, then slowly withdrew his gaze, turned his head, and continued to look at the girl who came out, feeling a little more comforting in his heart.

Qiao Nian wanted to find out about Ji Qing's past. Although Mr. Ye didn't know what kind of tricks were hidden in it, he also knew that this matter was very dangerous.

The Ye family's influence is at home and abroad...he also has powerless intentions.

But he knew that Ye Wangchuan had a lot of power in Independence Continent, and with Ye Wangchuan escorting him, it would be safer for Qiao Nian to investigate this matter again.

Mr. Ye's expression gradually became serious: "Take good care of her."

"Yes." Ye Wangchuan agreed again.

Qiao Nian quickly came out of the First Research Institute.

After Ye Wangchuan received them, he drove them back to the villa first.

After Qiao Nian returned to the villa, she immediately went back to her room to decode the Morse code on the form she found.

And she also called Feng Yu and asked Feng Yu to send her the form she found earlier, she was useful.

Feng Yu came quickly.

He received a call from Qiao Nian, put down what he was doing, and within an hour he rushed to Qiao Nian's place without stopping, and handed over the page of the experiment form that Ji Qing had left behind to the girl.

He asked Qiao Nian if he found anything.

Qiao Nian only asked him to wait below.

Feng Yu saw that her brows were frowning tightly, so she didn't pursue her further. Instead, she gave her the things and went downstairs to the living room to wait for news.

Mr. Ye came back from the first research institute and did not leave, just happened to be Feng Yu, the two were about the same age, Ye Wangchuan introduced them to each other.

The two chatted very well.

From the customs and customs of Beijing to some personal hobbies, raising birds, calligraphy and painting, etc...

Qin Si couldn't get in the way, so he took the opportunity to go to the side and ask the man who poured tea for the two of them: "Master Wang, why did Sister Qiao go back to her room as soon as she came back?"

He pursed his lips, motioned Ye Wangchuan to look at Feng Yu in the living room, and then touched his earlobe: "And the dean of the first research institute, why did he rush over here in such a hurry. I think he seems to be giving something to sister Qiao. You Do you know what sister Qiao is doing upstairs?"

Ye Wangchuan made tea for the two old people himself, and lazily replied: "If you have nothing to do, go and cut a plate of fruit."

Qin Si was speechless immediately.

Ye Wangchuan passed him and brought tea to the two.

Qin Si looked at his back, scratched his head, and went to the kitchen to find some fruit.

Gu San is not at home today, it seems that he has been arranged to find Mo Dong on some business, and he doesn't know what happened.There is no one who brings tea and water at home, so Qin Si, the young master who does not stick to the sun, can only do it himself. Fortunately, he has worked as a domestic servant for a period of time before, and he is quite agile in doing things.

(End of this chapter)

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