Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2363 Ji Ziyin overturned with Gu Hengbo

Chapter 2363 Ji Ziyin overturned with Gu Hengbo

Qin Si quickly cut a plate of fruit and brought it out, and put it on the coffee table in front of Feng Yu and Ye Maoshan: "Old Ye, Dean Feng, you two can talk slowly. I won't disturb you, I'll go back to my room."

He had good eyesight, put down the fruit plate and slipped back to his room to play games.

at the same time.

Ji Ziyin's situation is very different.

Gu Hengbo suddenly overturned his car, and under one wave after another of stone hammers, everyone's facilities collapsed, and his reputation in Independence Island was ruined.

Gu Hengbo overturned the car and pulled out the matter of Bai Hui.

Bai Hui also clearly mentioned that Gu Hengbo used his power to gild Ji Ziyin. For a while, there were endless rumors about Ji's family and Ji Ziyin.

Some people even began to suspect that Ji Ziyin was just an idiot, without any strength at all.All her previous research results were all based on occupying other people's results...

As soon as this theory was fermented, Ji Ziyin was like an ant on a hot pot every day, unable to sleep all night.

She also tried to contact Bai Hui, hoping that Bai Hui would stand up and 'clarify' for her.

However, Baihui didn't answer her phone at all. She answered it once before, but hung up when she heard her name.

The attitude is very rigid!
No matter how angry Ji Ziyin was, she knew that Bai Hui would not be able to stand up and clear her name this time.

She herself didn't feel that she had made a big mistake in this matter. In her eyes, Independent Continent was such a world where the weak preyed on the strong.

People like Bai Hui and Xu Yi who have no background and background are destined to be trampled on.

She is just an ordinary person among thousands of people.

Besides, she never asked Gu Hengbo to snatch Bai Hui's research results for her. It was Gu Hengbo who directly informed her that there was an 'extra' research result.

Of course Ji Ziyin knows the origin of these research results, they are just free things, don't want them for nothing.

She wasn't the one who directly robbed things, so Bai Hui didn't need to be so dissatisfied and malicious towards her...

Ji Ziyin has been under house arrest during this time, but she wants to talk to Bai Hui in person, at least to restore her reputation.

However, what annoys her is that she can't go out at all, let alone find Bai Hui herself to come out and have a talk.

Just when Ji Ziyin was restless, she received a call from Ji Xiao.


"Have you seen the patriarch?"

Ji Ziyin was puzzled: "The patriarch is coming to see me?"

Ji Xiao was silent for a long time, as if it was very difficult: "You can do it yourself."

Before Ji Ziyin could figure it out, Ji Xiao hung up the phone.

She was listening to the busy tone on the other end of the phone, thinking about what was going on, when there was a knock at the door, and the servant ran over to open the door.

Ji Ziyin turned around and saw Ji Lingfeng coming to look for her in person.

"Clan, patriarch?"

"Your father removed Ji Ziyin from the younger generation." Xie Yun came to Ji Nan's house suddenly, and talked about it as soon as he sat down.

Ji Nan was wearing home clothes and was fetching water for her. Hearing this, he was extremely surprised: "Didn't he always value Ji Ziyin?"

Xie Yun took the water from his hand, and sneered at this statement: "Oh, everyone in the Ji family thinks that he values ​​Ji Ziyin, I'm afraid Ji Ziyin thinks so himself."

Xie Yun lowered her head and took a sip of water, then continued gracefully: "For so many years, Ji Ziyin has always relied on him to value the prestige of others, and has never taken you seriously. In fact... what is she! I'm just too lazy to argue with her."

(End of this chapter)

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