Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2375 Sister Nian: I'm going to get something

Chapter 2375 Sister Nian: I'm going to get something
Guan Yan still doesn't want her to take such a risk.

Although she didn't know exactly what kind of clues Qiao Nian had deciphered from the Morse code left behind by Ji Qing, this thing was a matter of life and death!

"I just didn't want them to get involved, so I didn't give them all the Morse code that was translated before..."

Guan Yan hesitated to speak: "Then you can't take risks alone."

Qiao Nian put her hand in her pocket, and looked at Guan Yan without changing her expression: "I'm just going to get something, I have to get that thing."

Guan Yan had nothing to do with her, just in time her cell phone rang.

She unhappily took out her mobile phone and looked down. It turned out to be a WeChat call from Qin Si. She raised her lips, a little surprised, and turned to show Qiao Nian the mobile phone: "This person's brain is quite easy to use. I don't know if I can find it." Come to you, come and find me."

Qiao Nian hung up for her casually, and walked back: "Let's get to work!"

"She hung up."

In the villa, Ye Wangchuan had already rushed back.

After making a WeChat call, Qin Si was basically sure who Qiao Nian went out with: "Sister Qiao probably went out with Guan Yan."

Ye Wangchuan also brought people from the hacker alliance this time, and asked Qin Si to take a screenshot of Guan Yan's WeChat, and then said to those people: "Check it out."

The people from the Hacking League just input Guan Yan’s WeChat ID into the search bar to start searching. It was fine at first, but halfway through the progress bar, the signal was suddenly cut off.

They looked at each other, and could only say to the sinking man, "The other party should be a computer expert, and blocked the signal by himself."

Qin Si gave a 'tsk' and thought to himself: Of course Guan Yan is a master, one of the main members of the Red League, can he not be awesome?

Ye Wangchuan had already turned to look at him: "Continue to send her messages and ask where they are."

Qin Si agreed bitterly, and went to the side to use the message "bombing bombardment" and the dialog box of Guanyan.

Normally, his interaction with Guan Yan is that he takes the initiative, and Guan Yan is more like playing for fun.

Both are masters.

At any rate, it can barely be regarded as a back and forth.

But this time, Qin Si reckoned that his news would blow up indiscriminately, and his image would be ruined if he was not dragged down by Guan Yan.

But compared to Qiao Nian's safety, he couldn't care less about these.


At the same time, all the signals of Ji's family were suddenly cut off by external force at the same time.

This is no small matter.

The members of Ji's family quickly became vigilant, and immediately called for someone to restore the signal system of the old house.

However, several disciples who have always been very capable in this area have hit a wall one after another, and all of them have no solution with the cut off signal.

But they are not completely without solutions.

When He Lin asked in the past, after some discussion, they came to a conclusion: "It seems that someone has invaded the security system of the old house. We need some time to solve the virus set by the other party."

He Lin came to ask questions on behalf of Ji Lingfeng, and when he heard that someone had the audacity to invade Ji's system, he was slightly taken aback, and then asked seriously, "How long will you be here?"

"Two or three hours." Someone answered in a low voice.

He Lin frowned: "So long?"

Ji's old house can't use the Internet at all now, and the signal has also been blocked. Two or three hours doesn't seem like a long time, but it actually has a big impact.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud explosion outside.


He Lin was startled, and walked out quickly by himself, and said sharply: "Go outside and see what's going on!"

(End of this chapter)

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