Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2376 Sister Nian is a fighter among geniuses

Chapter 2376 Sister Nian is a fighter among geniuses

The Ji family's old house occupies a large area, a combination of Chinese courtyard and Western style, occupying thousands of square meters.

The structure inside is extremely complicated.

There are also many people in charge of security.

So if Qiao Nian wants to break into Ji's house, he can't just cut off the signal inside.

At this moment, because the internal signal of Ji's house was cut off, and the surveillance outside could not be used, Guan Yan's red and arrogant sports car was parked outside an outer wall of Ji's house.

Hearing the explosion in front of her, she put her hand on the center of her brow, and couldn't believe that she really accompanied Qiao Nian to break into Ji's house.

"Some members of Ji's family have already been distracted, what should we do next?" Guan Yan's headache was nothing but a headache, and he was unambiguous when it was time to do something. He untied his seat belt neatly, opened the car door, turned around and got out of the car.

An extremely young girl was sitting in her co-pilot. The girl was wearing a hoodie and the peaked cap was pressed down very low, only her snow-white chin was exposed, her thin lips were slightly pursed, and she said, "Don't worry, wait a little longer. .”

Guan Yan took a deep look at her, and really wanted to ask her: Boss, aren't you afraid?

They are now dancing on the tip of a knife, and they may be discovered at any time.

Qiao Nian rolled her eyelids and looked at her.

"..." Seeing Qiao Nian's relaxed posture, she didn't seem to be afraid, so she swallowed the words again.

Just then her phone vibrated again.

Guan Yan frowned, took out the phone from his pocket, and looked down.

The avatar of 'Little White Face' keeps popping up, and it can be seen that she has sent a lot of WeChat messages to her. The message on the avatar reminds her that it is about 99+.

Guan Yan didn't read any of them, so he could probably guess what the other party sent, so he raised his head and said to the girl: "Boss, that guy from your family is looking for you very urgently. You really don't think about going back and discussing with him again. Do you want to take risks alone?"

The girl was playing with a remote control in her hand, with seven or eight buttons on it, all of which controlled the explosives they had placed in Ji's house an hour ago.Hearing this, she raised her eyelids, her dark eyes were extremely dark: "No need."

After finishing speaking, she nodded with her white fingertips.

Guan Yan only heard another explosion a few hundred meters to the right, and when she looked up, she could vaguely see the shards of the blasted outer wall of Ji's house.

"This power..." Even Guan Yan was shocked by the scene in front of him, and murmured in a dumbfounded voice.

The explosives they used today were all brought by Qiao Nian from the First Research Institute. Needless to say, they should all be made by Qiao Nian himself.

The explosives are extremely small in size and look like small rocks that can be found everywhere.

Guan Yan once got it and thought it was a small toy, until Qiao Nian told her that it was dynamite, or a new type of remote-control explosive with great lethality... She put the thing back on fire.

The girl didn't seem to be affected by these noises, and operated the remote control in her hand very calmly.

An explosion.

Two and three...

In the next 10 minutes, there were no less than five explosions in Ji's house.

The people inside Ji's house were all attracted by the continuous explosion, and went out to check the situation one after another.

Qiao Nian not only put the bomb in, she placed it on the viewing car and the computer is still using the virus to invade the system to anti-monitor the movement of Ji's house...

On the screen is the monitoring of Ji's family in chaos.

The people in the old house basically came out and were checking the situation at the explosion site.

(End of this chapter)

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