Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2377 Guan Yan is responsible for diverting the people from Ji's family

Chapter 2377 Guan Yan is responsible for diverting the people from Ji's family
At this moment, Qiao Nian threw the remote control into Guan Yan's arms, got up and opened the car door, and jumped out of the car with her black backpack.

She said swiftly to Guan Yan: "I'll leave it to you here. The remaining two explosion sites are Ji Lingfeng's residence and Ji's Zangshu Pavilion."

"You still planted bombs where Ji Huang lived and outside Ji's Library Pavilion?" Guan Yan's eyebrows kept beating, he didn't expect Qiao Nian to be so arrogant.

Too crazy and too arrogant!

She said she wanted to force her way into Ji's house, but she really did!
Qiao Nian said softly: "Once there is an explosion in these two places, all of them will definitely rush to rescue people immediately."

Guan Yan's heart was trembling, Mingyan's face couldn't hide the shock and worry, holding the remote control, he choked out a sentence after a long time: "Boss, don't you really plan to blow up Ji Huang? We're enough to break into Ji's house this time." Let's start to hate, if you blow up their Patriarch, the two sides will have endless quarrels..."

"Who told you that I was going to blow him up?" The girl unzipped her backpack, checked the contents, and then closed the zipper, looking at her inexplicably.

When she saw Guan Yan's reaction of "Isn't it?" people."

"That's good." Guan Yan let out a foul breath.

As soon as the words finished, Qiao Nian was ready, and turned to her and said, "I'll climb over the wall right away, and you can go."

Seeing her clinging to the wall with one hand, Guan Yan's heart pounded twice, gritted her teeth, turned back to the car with a cold face, and said in a low voice, "Sun, be careful yourself."

Qiao Nian didn't know if she heard it or not, she jumped into the wall of Ji's house with great skill.

Guan Yan watched the girl's figure disappear on the fence, turned off her phone, put her hands on the steering wheel, pursed her lips, and stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom.

The red sports car rushed out like an arrow, kicking up a cloud of dust.

at the same time.

The person He Lin took out came back quickly, and said respectfully: "Mr. He, we found a suspicious car nearby."

He Lin frowned, feeling more uneasy, staring at him: "What kind of car?"

The man tried his best to recall, and described it as accurately as possible: "A red sports car... This car seems to have been parked around. We adjusted the surveillance at the intersection, and it has appeared for a while. It probably happened when the signal of the old house was cut off. Before."

The signal from the old house was cut off, and immediately there were explosions everywhere.

He Lin had already figured it out in his mind, and made arrangements non-stop: "Go and intercept this car immediately, and besides..."

His voice did not fall.

Just hearing two thunderous explosions inside Ji's house, He Lin's complexion changed suddenly, he didn't care about the arrangement, and ran towards the southeast: "It's where the patriarch lives!"

Immediately someone caught up with him and reported anxiously: "Mr. He, there was also an explosion in the Library Pavilion."


He Lin's brain jumped wildly, and he ran all the way to Ji Lingfeng's residence, while ordering the people below: "You find someone to go to Zangshu Pavilion to check the situation. In addition, you must stop that car!"

The manpower that could not be allocated within the Ji family was even more tense.

Seeing He Lin walking away, the man thought for a while, and said to the people around him, "I'm going to ask the people in the punishment hall to help me."

"Go." The people around him had no better idea, they pulled away and went to the direction where the explosion happened just now: "I'll go to Zangshuge to have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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