Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2378 I got what Ji Qing hid

Chapter 2378 I got what Ji Qing hid

Qiao Nian hid behind a tree and watched as all the people in the punishment hall were transferred away.

She jumped down from the tree branch nimbly, knelt down on one knee, propped her body up with her palms, patted the fallen leaves on her clothes, and walked towards the punishment hall gracefully.

The last sentence of the Morse code left by Ji Qing mentioned that she put her 'things' in one place - Ji's Punishment Hall!

Although Qiao Nian didn't know what she was hiding here, since Ji Qing left this clue in encrypted text.

She speculates that this 'thing' has something to do with Ji Qing's death.

So she must get this 'thing'.

It's just that this matter is the same as what Guan Yan said, the risk factor is too high, and there are too many involved, she can't involve Ye Wangchuan and Feng Yu.

As for her and the Ji family...

Qiao Nian narrowed her eyes, they were quite cold.

She and Ji's family were already at loggerheads.

Since the two sides have already fallen into a deadlock, it's not bad this time, the big deal is that the fallout will be more thorough!

All the people in the punishment hall were called away, and the place that is as tight as an iron barrel on weekdays is especially deserted today.

Qiao Nian knew that all the surveillance cameras were blocked, and no one could see her through the surveillance cameras, so she simply walked in the corridor and went straight into the punishment hall.

Since the Punishment Hall is a place to punish those who make mistakes, the place is quite spacious, and there is a place dedicated to placing the tablets of the Ji family's patriarchs.

Qiao Nian stood at this place where Ji's family members who made mistakes could reflect on themselves. He glanced coldly at the plaques of Ji family's patriarchs placed on the stage, walked over, picked up the wooden sign with the words Ji Mingde, and used it to Touch the table with the wooden sign with your hand.

There is a sunken dark space below.

Qiao Nian touched here, focused slightly, and pressed the depression to the middle, and a wooden black box popped up inside.

The box is square and only the size of a palm.

Qiao Nian frowned, picked up the box, and found out that the material was not made of wood, but a very important rare metal.

Start with Biliang.

She couldn't see what kind of metal it was for the time being.

There is no pattern around the box, very simple and simple.

But Qiao Nian turned it over, and saw that it was a high-tech mechanism lock, which seemed to require a key to open the box.

Is this what Ji Qing used to hide in encrypted text?
Qiao Nian knew that now was not a good time to study this box, she put the things in the bag she carried, zipped it up, and was about to leave here first...

There was a commotion outside.

"Is it appropriate for us to come back now? The patriarch still needs manpower..."

Qiao Nian heard a man's deep voice say: "I always feel that this explosion is strange. You see seven places exploded, but none of them suffered casualties. Don't you think it's strange? Besides, there are explosives everywhere. It's just so quiet around us. So I want to come back and have a look."

"You're right, there's really no movement around the punishment hall..."

Qiao Nian could only hide behind the door, frowning, and heard the man outside continue: "Sometimes no movement is the biggest movement! He Lin said that he found a suspicious vehicle, and the person he sent to intercept it No news has come back so far, I guess I lost the person."

"The other party tried their best to cut off the signal of Ji's family, and made such a big commotion. You don't think she just threw a bomb for fun, do you?"

Qiao Nian stretched out her hand and lowered the brim of her hat to cover the coldness in her eyes.

Whoops, how annoying!
(End of this chapter)

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