Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2382 Master Wang directly hugged the princess

Chapter 2382 Master Wang directly hugged the princess

Half an hour later, a black off-road vehicle arrived at her first.

The car door opened, and a man in a black shirt got out of the car and walked straight towards her. Qiao Nian saw that every time he took a step closer, the expression on his beautiful face became ugly, even though he looked like a girl on the outside. As always, he was calm and indifferent, but Qiao Nian could tell that he was quite angry this time.

"Miss Qiao, you, you're injured!" Mo Dong also got out of the car from behind, and when he saw her, he exclaimed and walked over quickly.

"Stand still!" Ye Fanchuan ordered without looking back.

Mo Dong had no choice but to stop where he was, standing there anxiously.

There was still a bullet in Qiao Nian's shoulder that hadn't been taken out, and the longer it took, the more painful it became.She didn't expect Ye Wangchuan to come first, she pulled down the brim of her hat with her left hand, pursed her lips and stood up straight: "I can go back and explain to you..."

Ye Wangchuan didn't even move his eyebrows, walked in front of her, bent down and picked her up, and walked back without saying a word.

While telling Mo Dong: "Contact the hospital immediately!"

Mo Dong was also taken aback by the scene in front of him, but he is not a gossip by nature, so he immediately went to his mobile phone to do some business.

In the car.

Qiao Nian received a call from Guan Yan, she lowered her voice and said, "I'm on my way to the hospital, well, someone is here..."

Guan Yan probably asked the name of the hospital.

Qiao Nian raised her head slightly, and originally wanted to ask the man who was driving, but when she saw the man's stern jawline from the corner of her eye, she silently looked back and said, "I'll let you know when I get there."

Who knew that Ye Wangchuan heard it, held the steering wheel with one hand, put the other on the car window, and said the name of a hospital to her casually.

Qiao Nian looked at him with raised eyebrows, then turned her head and repeated the name of the hospital to Guan Yan on the other end of the phone, then hung up.

It's cold in the car.

Ye Wangchuan was obviously angry, and Mo Dong didn't dare to touch him, even though he wanted to ask Qiao Nian what was going on, he didn't dare to speak.

Qiao Nian didn't like this kind of atmosphere, so she put down her phone, took the initiative to break the frozen atmosphere in the car, and looked at the man with tight jaw: "I, I'm fine. I just went to get something, and I already got it back. It's just halfway There was a little accident, and I accidentally got a small injury, and it will be fine after a period of rest."

The car screeched to a sudden stop.

Ye Wangchuan looked at her suddenly, his deep eyes couldn't hold back the surging emotions: "You were shot and still called a minor injury?"

Mo Dong was very surprised after hearing this: "What? Miss Qiao was shot?!"

He looked at Qiao Nian suddenly.

The girl looked extremely calm. If it weren't for the blood stain near her right shoulder, it would be hard to imagine how seriously Qiao Nian was injured.

Sure enough, the girl lowered her eyes indifferently and said, "They just shot in the shoulder, far away from the heart."

"What if that person shot you in the heart?" Ye Fanchuan was seldom frightened, or in other words, he had never been frightened in his life. From childhood to adulthood, everything was under his control , he rarely goes off the rails and rarely loses control.

But today he was out of control.

If Ji Lingfeng hadn't told him that Qiao Nian was fine, he would have left already.

He might lead people to fight with Ji's family.

Go to fucking Independence Continent, go to fucking Ji's family, he almost wants to destroy the world!


She is fine.

Qiao Nian saw his clenched hands and the bulging veins on the back of his hand that was clenched tightly on the steering wheel. She was silent for a moment, not knowing how to explain: "That thing is very important to me."

(End of this chapter)

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