Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2383 The people around Miss Qiao are not simple

Chapter 2383 The people around Miss Qiao are not simple

Seeing her drooping eyelashes, Ye Fanchuan's heart constricted suddenly, he slapped the steering wheel, and the car horn honked.

He took a deep breath, his eyes fluttered, and he forcibly digested his emotions: "Forget it, I will take you to the hospital to treat your injuries first."

Independent Hospital.

Qin Si and Gu San rushed to the emergency room immediately.

Shen Qingfeng, Mrs. Shen, Xu Yi and others rushed over quickly.

Then there are Feng Yu, Shi Fu and Zhou Zhou.

The corridor outside the emergency room was crowded, and some forces had already noticed the changes near the hospital.

Ye Wangchuan arranged in advance to ask the people from Yaomen to seal off this area. Without his order, except for the medical staff, there is no way for outsiders to inquire about the situation inside.

In the emergency room.

The doctor has already performed a preliminary examination on Qiao Nian.

She came out with the film she had taken.

In the corridor, Feng Yu was the first to rush over: "Doctor, how is she?"

The female doctor pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, saw Feng Yu handing over the film nervously, and said: "Her right shoulder was injured not long ago, and the wound has just healed. This time it is a new injury + an old injury, the injury Plus the injury. So the operation is very difficult, and...even if we can take the bullet out of her body, her hand will be useless."

——Her hands are useless too!
Feng Yu's brain buzzed, almost bursting, and he grabbed the female doctor's arm, unable to accept the result: "You can't think of a way anymore? Her hand can't have an accident. If you think of a way again, there must be a way..."

The female doctor didn't dare to offend him, but she didn't dare to promise him either. She could only stand there with a look of embarrassment on her face, and hesitated to speak: "Dean Feng, we did our best."

Qin Si kicked the wall, his eyes were red: "How could this happen! Then what will Sister Qiao do in the future?"

Gu San was also very uncomfortable, and could no longer speak.

Qiao Nian's right hand is so precious, it is a pair of hands that are thousands of times more precious than playing the piano, Gu San can't imagine the scene where Qiao Nian's hands are useless.

Ye Wangchuan remained silent, took his mobile phone and went to the side to make a call.

Seeing him go out from the corner of his eye, Xu Yi frowned and followed him.

Old Mrs. Shen was also anxious at the beginning, holding Shen Qingfeng's hand, she saw Xu Yi following with sharp eyes, patted Shen Qingfeng, and said, "Let's go out and have a look."

Shen Qingfeng looked in the direction Ye Wangchuan was going out, on the one hand he felt that it was not good for them to keep up like this, on the other hand he was really worried about Qiao Nian's situation.

After hesitating for a while, he helped Mrs. Shen and quietly followed.

Outside the hospital corridor.

"When do you always plan to leave?" The man's voice was steady and strong, as if he was calling someone: "I will arrange a plane for you to fly from country M to Independence Island, and it will depart in 10 minutes. But Qiao Nian can't wait for you to come, I will Let them give her an injection of anesthesia first, and then you come over to perform the operation. How about it?"

Both Shen Qingfeng and Xu Yi noticed the existence of the other party, and neither of them said anything, they listened to the man's phone call with their ears up.

It was still the old lady Shen who lowered her voice and whispered in a voice that only the three of them could hear: "The sky domain in Independent Continent is not easy to enter. The people around Ms. Qiao are really not easy. I just don't know who he is looking for?"

She didn't finish speaking.

Ye Wangchuan said in a gentle tone: "Then I will trouble you to make a trip, Mr. Zhong."

Old lady Shen suddenly realized who Ye Wangchuan was looking for.

—— Zhong first class!
(End of this chapter)

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