Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2385 Mo Dong personally picks up people

Chapter 2385 Mo Dong personally picks up people

"M country."

The old lady Xie paused, lowered her eyelids, and looked mean with the corners of her mouth drawn down: "The plane of the Pharmacy Association is first-class. You said that first-class Zhong was hurriedly invited to Independent Island. Who is sick?"

Xie's father and Xie's mother looked at each other, neither of them could guess the twists and turns inside.

Mrs. Xie herself didn't know who was so generous. She suspected that Feng Yu was sick, but there was no proof.

The old lady Xie gathered up the shawl beside her, let out a foul breath, turned her head and told Father Xie: "You go to Tianyi and see if he knows what's going on."

"Mom, you want me to find Nan Tianyi? It's not that you don't know that our two families are having an ugly fight. I'll go find him..." Father Xie was not happy.

The old lady Xie slashed at him, and interrupted him viciously: "If you have the ability to find out what's going on, I don't have to ask you to find someone else! Don't talk so much nonsense, I'll let you find out Just go and inquire!"

Seeing the old lady losing her temper, the two of them didn't dare to shirk, and reluctantly went out to find Nan Tianyi.

Mother Xie saw that she and Mrs. Xie were the only ones left at home, so she leaned forward and shouted awkwardly: "Mom."

The old lady Xie opened her eyes, and looked at her with a pair of unprovoked eyes, interrupting her impatiently: "I know what you want to say to me."

Despite the embarrassment on her face, Mother Xie still bit her lips and said to her tearfully, "Xin Yao has suffered a lot outside alone, I'm worried about her..."

Before Xie's mother finished speaking, she was worried that Xie Xinyao would not be able to eat well or sleep well outside.

Who knew that Mrs. Xie frowned, and she shut up Xie's mother who was wiping tears in front of her with one sentence: "If you are so worried, go and accompany her!"

It's not right for Xie's mother to stand there crying, or not to cry, she can't get off the stage in embarrassment.

"Do you think we can still offend your sister-in-law? Xie Xinyao can't come back, you don't have to think about it anymore!" Mrs. Xie didn't want to see her, so she got up and let the servant help her back to the room.


At the same time, several major organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, the Arbitration Alliance, and the Hacker Alliance are looking for someone to inquire about the inside story of the independent continent's change.

However, the hospital was completely blocked by Ye Wangchuan's advance layout and control, and there was no way for people from all major forces to get in.

There are quite a few influencers in the First Research Institute, but those who know what's going on are guarding in the hospital, and the rest are people who don't know anything about it.Even if they wanted to inquire, they couldn't find anything!
Even so, the major forces still have no intention of giving up, and still try their best to find out what's going on.

Zhong Liuliu landed at the Independent Island Airport under the noses of the major forces, and was immediately taken to the hospital by the people arranged by Ye Wangchuan.

Mo Dong went to pick him up in person.

Along the way, the off-road vehicle drove away many vehicles following them, and Zhong Liuliu almost threw up in the back seat.

After Mo Dong parked the car outside the hospital, he immediately rushed out of the car and held the frame of the car and vomited violently, almost vomiting his bile.

"Old Zhong, are you alright?" Mo Dong watched him vomit, anxiously.

Zhong Liuliu supported the car with one hand, while trying to slap his chest, his face was blushing, and he had to take the time to say to him: "Wait a little longer, wait a minute."

Seeing that the old man vomited again, Mo Dong hurried back to the car, unscrewed a bottle of mineral water, and handed it over: "Old Zhong, drink some water."

(End of this chapter)

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