Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2386 You drove very well, don't drive next time

Chapter 2386 You drove very well, don't drive next time

Zhong Liuliu's face turned red from suffocation to livid vomiting. He hurriedly took the water, raised his head and gulped down half of the bottle.

With the feeling of vomiting under the pressure of water, he finally recovered.

After Zhong Liuliu breathed evenly, he returned the water to him, twitched the corner of his mouth bitterly, reached out and patted his shoulder: "Young man, your driving skills are good... don't drive next time!"

His old life was almost lost here!

Mo Dong looked innocent, standing there with water in his hand.

Zhong Liuliu looked at him, hesitant to speak.In the end, he was defeated and said to him: "Come on, let's go in and see Q."

"Q?" Mo Dong was a little surprised when he heard him call Qiao Nian Q, but Zhong Liuliu was already walking ahead, he suppressed the strange feeling in his heart, and quickly followed.

Zhong Liuliu arrived in time to perform surgery on Qiao Nian, and the surgery went very smoothly.

He took out the shrapnel from Qiao Nian's shoulder. Qiao Nian didn't ask for anesthesia and stayed awake the whole time.

After the operation was over, Zhong Liuliu left the operating room.

The people waiting in the corridor hadn't left yet, only Mrs. Shen couldn't stay up all night because she was too old, so she went back to wait for the news.Everyone else is still waiting outside for the final result.

Ye Wangchuan was the first to speak this time: "Old Zhong, how is she?"

"The operation was successful, and she saved her right hand." Zhong Liuliu took off the mask, threw it into the trash can, looked at the man with a pair of eyes and continued: "Her hand was saved, but this time the new injury and the old injury are still very dangerous. , there can be no next time. If there is a next time, Hua Tuo will not be able to keep her hand when he comes alive. I told her that she would definitely not take it to heart. You can talk to her in private, and she can still listen A little of your word."

With a solemn face, Ye Wangchuan said in a deep voice, "I know."

Zhong Liuliu looked at him, looked away, and shook his head: "Don't you know how precious her hand is? What if something goes wrong... Hey! I mean you don't listen to her, so please tell her! But the patient needs Rest for a while, don't disturb her for the first few days, let her recover from her injuries. Don't worry about this matter, just take your time to find opportunities. "

Ye Wangchuan hummed and asked Mo Dong to take him to the hotel.

Feng Yu, Shi Fu and the others felt much relieved when they received the good news.

Ye Wangchuan arranged for Gu San to send them all back, and told them not to mention Qiao Nian's injury to anyone.

When he made almost the same arrangements, people left at random.

Guan Yan leaned against the wall until the man finished walking, then she straightened her legs, picked up her handbag, and walked towards the man...

Qin Si stretched out his hand to stop her: "What are you doing?"

Guan Yan bypassed him neatly, ignored him, and walked in the direction of Ye Wangchuan.

Ye Wangchuan glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, there was no unnecessary expression on his beautiful face, his eyes were quite cold, and he could see the low air pressure around him.

Guan Yan himself was not afraid, walked up to him and handed the black handbag to the man: "Sun's computer."

Ye Wangchuan didn't reach out to pick it up for a long time, but only looked at her coldly: "You are so courageous to come to me. Do you know what price I want you to pay now?"

Qin Si was in a hurry, and hurried over to stop him: "Master Wang! This matter has nothing to do with her, don't involve others when you two quarrel."

It was the first time that Guan Yan had someone standing in front of her to speak for her, he was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his eyes and pulled him away.

(End of this chapter)

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