Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2391 Sister Nian opened the box!

Chapter 2391 Sister Nian opened the box!
in the hospital.

Ye Wangchuan has already found something and returned.

When he returned to the ward, he saw that Qiao Nian had already drank the chicken soup he had brought on the cabinet and ate some apples. The corner of his mouth twitched. He walked over and handed her something like a jade seal.

"See if it's this."

At this time, Gu San leaned forward and said, "Miss Qiao, we found it from under a pile of books after searching for a long time. Such an important thing, you actually put it outside casually, in case you lose it..."

Gu San shuddered.

He felt that if this thing was lost, the Ji family might have to fight them desperately.

Qiao Nian took the family emblem of the head of the Ji family from the man, inspected it casually, and said without raising his head, "That's it."

The shape of this jade seal is very unique, with the shape of an eagle on the top and a small private seal on the bottom.

Qiao Nian checked it repeatedly in his hand, and he was basically sure that the mechanism lock of Jiqing box was made according to the eagle pattern on the seal.In other words, the symbol of Ji's family head is the only key to this box!
Seeing that she was looking at the 'key' all the time, Ye Wangchuan couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked her: "What do you think is inside the box?"

Qiao Nian had seen enough, and brought over the box on the side. Hearing this, he just raised his eyelids, looking very calm: "I don't know, just open it and take a look!"

As she spoke, she slipped the key that Ye Fanchuan and the others had brought over into the lock, and turned it three times, only to hear a dull sound of unlocking the box.

In the next second, the box popped open automatically.

Qiao Nian took out the contents of the box and looked down.

"U disk?" Gu San thought there was something valuable hidden in it, but who knew it was an ordinary U disk?
Ye Wangchuan lowered his eyebrows, showing a surprised expression, he never thought that what Ji Qing hid in Ji's house turned out to be a USB flash drive.

He didn't make a sound to disturb the girl like Gu San, but kept quiet and waited for the girl to judge what was in her hand.

Qiao Nian wasn't too surprised to see the USB flash drive. He silently took the laptop beside the bed and plugged the USB flash drive into it.

Her computer starts up very quickly.

It's been on for a few seconds.

It's just that after the computer is turned on, the desktop screen does not appear, but a dialog box pops up directly, which says to enter the password.

Qiao Nian raised her eyebrows and looked at the rectangular dialog box in front of her. After typing a few times on the keyboard tentatively, she left the keyboard with one hand, turned her head, and said to the man standing beside her, "It's a self-destruct system."

"If I enter the wrong password, the files in the USB flash drive will be automatically destroyed."

Ye Wangchuan became interested, leaned over to have a look, turned his head to look at the girl, and asked her with deep eyes: "Can't you decipher it?"

Qiao Nian shook his head, and said with certainty: "I tried it, this system is very primitive, without any technical content. Because there is no technical content, the system mechanism is also very stupid. It will only execute one command, and it will destroy itself if the input is wrong. .”

Hackers are not afraid of encountering difficult bones, but they are afraid of encountering such a foolish system.

The fool's system has always only had a single instruction, which cannot be modified or hacked at all.

Qiao Nian turned his eyes back to the computer, took the USB flash drive off the side, held it between his fingers again to play with, and pulled the corner of his mouth, saying: "The USB flash drive is also the most common cheap USB flash drive."

She threw the USB drive back into the box, let out a breath, and said a little irritably, "It can't be opened."

(End of this chapter)

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