Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2392 There was indeed one person who stopped Ji's family from chasing me that day

Chapter 2392 There was indeed someone who stopped Ji's family from chasing me that day
She struggled to unlock the Morse code, and broke into Ji's house again. She thought she could find out the truth, but she got stuck again at the door.

Qiao Nian couldn't control the irritability in his heart, with a hint of disgust at the end of his eyes, he pushed the box aside casually.

"You have no idea at all?" Ye Wangchuan bent down to pick up the box, picked up the USB flash drive with his fingers, put it in front of his eyes, checked it over and over again, threw the things back into the box, put the box back again, and looked at Girl: "Why don't you think about whether your aunt has left any clues for you..."

His voice just fell.

Qiao Nian raised her eyelids to look at him, her eyelashes slightly lowered: "She died not long after I was born, do you think I can have any clues."

Ye Wangchuan pressed his fingers between his brows, realized that he had said something wrong, and Junyi showed an apologetic expression: "Sorry, I didn't mean that."

"I know that's not what you mean." Qiao Nian waved his hand immediately, his expression relaxed: "I should apologize, I shouldn't take my temper on you."

She was indeed overwhelmed by the sudden U disk password, so she was not in a good mood.

Qiao Nian quickly adjusted her mentality, looked at him and Gu San and said, "At least I found the USB flash drive now, there must be something very important hidden in this USB flash drive, otherwise she wouldn't have specially set up such a complicated Morse code." To hide things. And the 'key' of this box is also something that most people can't think of... Now that the box is in my hands, I have plenty of time to slowly find clues..."

Gu San then laughed: "Yes, Ms. Qiao. At least we have found the box now, which is much better than having no clues before! Isn't it just a password, I believe you can definitely solve this password."

"En." Qiao Nian replied.

She loosened her frown slightly, as if she didn't continue to be entangled in this matter, and turned her head to look at the man standing next to the hospital bed: "Guan Yan, she..."

"Don't worry, I didn't make things difficult for her." Ye Wangchuan snorted, his eyes were rarely stained with dryness, and he lowered his voice: "Is your boyfriend so stingy in your eyes?"

Qiao Nian covered her mouth with her hands and coughed, "That's not what I meant."

Ye Wangchuan cast a sideways glance at the girl, seeing that she was a patient, and finally couldn't bear to argue with her.Turning around, he went over to pour water for Qiao Nian, and said, "She gave you the computer that day and then left, Qin Si chased her out to give her."


Qiao Nian looked away from him, and heard the man continue: "Independence Island has not been peaceful these few days since you were hospitalized, and all major forces are checking you. Some members of Ji's family are also trying to find out about the situation in the hospital. The person who ordered it should have guessed you. But what is surprising is...Ji Lingfeng."

Qiao Nian looked at him again, and hummed, "What?"

Ye Wangchuan observed her expression and saw that she was no longer obsessed with the password left by Ji Qing, so he said calmly: "Ji Lingfeng didn't check you this time."

Qiao Nian was slightly taken aback, she obviously didn't expect that Ji Lingfeng didn't check her.

Ye Wangchuan continued: "Every major force outside is checking you, and someone inside Ji's family is also checking you, but Ji Lingfeng didn't check you. I think he already knew that you were the one who broke into Ji's house that day!"

Qiao Nian was also thinking about this: "When I left Ji's house that day, I did hear a voice telling me to stop chasing me."

(End of this chapter)

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