Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2393 Is it possible that Ji Lingfeng is protecting you?

Chapter 2393 Is it possible that Ji Lingfeng is protecting you?

She remembered that when she climbed over the wall to go out that day, she heard someone inside calling to stop the Ji family who was about to chase out. She was familiar with that voice, at least she had heard it before.

Now as soon as he mentioned Ji Lingfeng, Qiao Nian remembered that the voice that called to stop Ji's family to prevent him from catching up was Ji Lingfeng's voice!

"This is strange... When you had a conflict with Ji Ziyin, he once stood on the other side with a clear-cut banner, and seemed very unfriendly to you."

Ye Wangchuan's eyes flashed, and he slowly said a bold guess he had made in the past few days: "Nian Nian, have you ever thought that he might do this to... protect you?"

As soon as this guess was uttered, even Gu San felt a little unbelievable: "Master Wang, you think too much. How could Emperor Ji...?"

Ye Wangchuan leaned against the cabinet next to the hospital bed, and asked him indifferently: "Why not? Haven't you understood the situation in Independent Island yet?"

Gu San still felt that it was a bit too ridiculous.

The Ji family has always been unfriendly to Miss Qiao, how could Ji Lingfeng protect Miss Qiao.

"The direct line of the Ji family is in decline, the side branches are big, and the interior is not peaceful. She will only be roasted on the fire when she goes back at this time." Ye Wangchuan laughed, as if he had guessed Ji Lingfeng's mind: "The more he Being indifferent to Qiao Nian, people like Ji Xiao from the Ji family dare not act rashly, so Qiao Nian can do what he wants to do in Independent Continent. This is the simplest and most effective way to protect a person."

Ji Lingfeng chose to alienate her in order to protect her.

"What about Ji Ziyin?" Gu San still didn't believe it, and thought of someone.

Ye Wangchuan looked contemptuously at the corners of his eyes, and said in a low voice: "She? Of course she is Ji Lingfeng's biggest stand-in for Qiao Nianshu in the Ji family."

It's a pity that this double, including some self-righteous careerists in the Ji family, thought that Ji Lingfeng was really optimistic about Ji Ziyin.

He didn't believe that with Ji Lingfeng's skills and eyesight, he couldn't tell that Ji Ziyin didn't have a lot of weight, and he couldn't compare with Qiao Nian at all.

"What you said...I need to think about it again..." Qiao Nian's brain ached again, and the phone that happened to be placed aside turned on.

She took it casually, turned on the screen, and lowered her eyes to see a message from Feng Yu: [The Hidden Family is here. ]
Qiao Nian sat up straight suddenly, half-closed her eyes, with a dangerous light.

What a coincidence.

She found Ji Qing's relic on her front foot, and the Hermit Family came out and jumped on her back foot.


Martin's residence.

He was arguing with an old man with white beard and hair, blushing and clenched his fists: "How many times have I told you, that Ji Ziyin is just a showman!"

"...She relies entirely on occupying other people's research results, and she has no strength at all!"

Although Martin's face was flushed, he was extremely excited and his voice was loud.However, the person opposite him was unmoved: "Really? You must have a good relationship with Feng Yu, so you speak for him and slander an outstanding young man."

Martin was so angry that his face turned blue, he clenched his fists, and said angrily, "Old Yu, I, Martin, am not the villain you said."

"If she is really talented, I won't speak ill of her because of anyone."

"The fact is that she has no talent, and she achieved those achievements by going off the beaten track! Those achievements are not her real strength, but shameful plagiarism!"

The old man sneered, "Where's the evidence?"

Martin jumped out of anger, and gritted his teeth: "People in Independent Continent are all evidence, they all know these things!"

(End of this chapter)

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