Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2494 Lu Zhi has contact with the hermit family?

Chapter 2494 Lu Zhi has contact with the hermit family?

But she didn't seem to see these people. She put her phone on the table and lifted her peaked cap with her hand, revealing a delicate face with dark eyes like sparks. She couldn't lift her head when she saw the provocative woman in her eyes. , look away with a guilty conscience.

Only then did Qiao Nian casually look away, put her legs on the coffee table in the private room, and said in a low voice, "Where is Zhiren Lu?"

She no longer suppressed the arrogant temperament around her, giving people a very unfriendly feeling.

In addition, she directly called Lu Zhi's name instead of addressing Lu Zhi as Mr. Lu like the previous person, so it can be seen that she is not familiar with Lu Zhi.

The face of the woman with curly hair and puffy face changed again and again, from contempt to seriousness, and then to looking at Qiao Nian with suspicion, and finally looked at Jian Jin unconfidently: "Jian Zhu, who is this?"

The others were also looking at Jian Jin, waiting for Jian Jin to give them a good time.

Jian Jin snorted, walked over to pour Qiao Nian a glass of water, and then asked in a calm and unhurried manner, "Didn't you just say that she is Mr. Lu's little lover? Later, you can tell Mr. Lu what you just said. Say it before him, maybe he'll tell you who Joe is."

The woman couldn't get off the stage because of her choking, and her wheat-colored healthy face was flushed, showing the degree of embarrassment.

However, Jian Jin's words also made everyone in the box understand that Qiao Nian was definitely not a lover. . .

When everyone looked at her again, they became more cautious, and they didn't dare to speak nonsense like a woman with curly hair and instant noodles.


Qiao Nian never cared about the other people in the box from the beginning to the end, she only had Jian Jin in her eyes: "How long has Lu Zhi been in?"

Jian Jin looked at her, immediately restrained her sharpness, found a seat for herself and sat opposite Qiao Nian, touched the bridge of her nose and lost her temper: "Boss won't let me speak."

"Huh?" Qiao Nian only gave her a sideways look.

Jian Jin scratched her ears again: "Before he left, he specifically warned me not to tell you. As a result, you not only found out, but also came to country m..."

Later, Boss Lu came out, and he was definitely going to trouble her.

Jian Jin could almost imagine Deacon Lu's reaction afterwards. She looked at the girl helplessly, "I tried to get the news in yesterday, but I was unlucky, and I haven't received any response from him until now."

"So I'm worried..." Jian Jin took a deep breath and said seriously, "Joe, I'm worried that something will happen to him."

Qiao Nian put her hands in her pockets and sat in a slack posture all the time. Hearing this, she gently raised her eyelids, pulled out her hands and pulled off her peaked cap, probably judging Lu Zhi's situation from her words: "So you At first I thought he would not be in danger, but now he is out of the game, and you don’t know his current situation.”

Jian Jin smiled bitterly: "You are always so sharp."

Qiao Nian didn't show much expression, she looked at her for a while, then continued after a pause: "...that is to say, Lu Zhi has contacts with the Yinshi family?"

This thing is very easy to associate.

Jian Jin said that before Lu Zhi left, she told her not to tell her, which meant that Lu Zhi was not forcibly taken away.

In other words, Lu Zhi was taken away 'forcibly', but this 'forcibly' was not intense.

So Jian Jin thought that Lu Zhi would not be in danger.

Jian Jin didn't realize the seriousness of the matter until she contacted Lu Zhi yesterday and found that the other party had lost contact!
(End of this chapter)

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