Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2495 Don't you know that Tianchen has 2 founders?

Chapter 2495 Don't you know that Tianchen has two founders?

And there is only one possibility for them to have this cognition - Lu Zhi and the Yinshi family know each other!

Jian Jin's eyes dodged for a moment, as if she didn't dare to look her in the eye, and it took a long time before she replied with a guilty conscience: "They are in contact, and they have some business contacts."


Qiao Nian saw through Jian Jin's hidden guilt at a glance, and saw through in almost a second that Jian Jin was lying, but she didn't choose to expose it, after all, now is not the time to care about these details.

She paused, pursed her lips, raised her hand and rubbed her brows, and asked Jian Jin, "Do you know that the M royal family is looking for a doctor?"

"You mean the reward on the black market?" Jian Jin reacted quickly, she was very clever, and immediately understood Qiao Nian's meaning: "You... you want to treat people?"

Her heart skipped a beat, she opened her mouth and refused: "No, you can't go!"

Qiao Nian glanced at her and asked calmly, "Why?"

"Because..." Jian Jin was seen by her as if she had seen through her soul. For a moment, her mind went blank and she didn't think of a good excuse, so she could only say, "Anyway, you can't go. Joe, it's too dangerous!"

Of course, Qiao Nian knew the danger of coming to the door proactively. After all, the Hermit Family was not easy to mess with, but with Lu Zhi's current situation, she couldn't think of a better way for the time being.

"If I don't go, no one can help him."

Jian Jin's face clearly showed struggle and entanglement. After hesitating for a long time, she still shook her head: "No, if you have something wrong, he won't forgive me." Lu Zhi won't forgive himself either!
"I still have unfinished business in Independent State, and I won't stay in country m for too long. If you still want to save people, you can recommend me to them as a doctor according to my plan, and I will be there Find a way to find him during the time of treatment..." Qiao Nian had already made plans.

She didn't wait for Jian Jin to refuse, and said to the other party concisely: "My time is limited, you should think clearly."

Jian Jin fell silent for a moment.

The atmosphere in the box was tense.

The others couldn't get in a word and could only listen to them.

Qiao Nian didn't want to spend too long here, she opened the chair and got up, and said to Jian Jin who was still sitting there in a dilemma: "Think about it yourself, and send me a message when you think about it."

She looked around at the people in the box, then looked down at Jian Jin, bent down to pick up the mobile phone on the coffee table, and said leisurely, "I won't bother you."

After she finished speaking, she walked out of the box without looking back.

The compartment door closed instantly.

As soon as Qiao Nian left, the terrifying pressure in the box disappeared immediately.

Only then did a few people dare to take a big breath.

The woman with curly hair and puffy face saw that the person had gone far away, but Jian Jin was still holding her head, as if she was thinking about what the girl said before she left.

She murmured with great concern: "Jian Zhu, who is this person? She... She and Boss Lu are more than just acquaintances. But judging by her age, it doesn't look like..."

The other party is not very old, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the age that a big man should have.

She really couldn't understand how Jian Jin, who was so hot and calm outside, acted like the dean in front of the girls, and lost her temper.

Jian Jin was worrying, and then checked that there was no news from Lu Zhi on the phone. She was upset, and heard the woman's gossip, so she raised her head and looked at the curious woman coldly: "You don't know God? Chen has two founders?"

"You said she was...?!" The woman's voice stopped abruptly, and her face turned pale with fright when she thought of her previous attitude and words.

It’s over.

Did she say something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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