Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2496 What kind of Chinese medicine, I think it is a liar

Chapter 2496 What kind of Chinese medicine, I think it is a liar
As soon as Qiao Nian walked out of the clubhouse, she turned around and received a message from Jian Jin.

——[Joe, Mr. Lu is counting on you! 】

She raised her hand and put the phone back in her pocket, walked to the side of the road and hail a taxi casually.

After getting in the car.

The girl pulled down the brim of her peaked hat with a cold hand, revealing her delicate chin, and said to the driver in fluent M mandarin: "To the Pharmacy Association, thank you."

On the other hand, Jian Jin has already contacted the acquaintances of M's royal family, and recommended Qiao Nian to the royal family in the name of a doctor.

The royal family has just received news.

"Tianchen found a famous doctor for the ancestor? What kind of famous doctor?" King Joseph's first reaction was a little confused when he heard the news.

The person below replied cautiously: "A Chinese medicine practitioner..."

"That Jianzhu didn't reveal too much information, he only said that this Chinese medicine doctor has a lot of background and is known as a genius doctor on the black market."

Country m is located in the west, so of course it believes in western medicine more.

So when the king heard that the other party was a Chinese medicine doctor, he obviously lost interest and waved his hand.

He hasn't spoken yet.

A flamboyant female voice sounded from outside: "What kind of Chinese medicine, I think it is a liar! Everything Chinese medicine can do is eat bugs and grass roots. If it can cure diseases, then I can also cure diseases!"

When the person Jian Jin knew saw the girl who strode in from the outside, his expression was obviously a little more apprehensive, which showed that he knew the girl.

And immediately lowered his head: "Hi, Miss Yu."

Yu Xinlan didn't take him seriously, and went straight to the king, holding the king's arm like a little girl and shouting happily: "Uncle, you haven't come to see me for a long time."

The king of country m softened his outline, and patted her arm, telling her to stop messing around: "Mr. Yu hasn't come back yet?"

The interests of the hermit family are deeply bound up.

The Yu family is inextricably linked with the royal family of M, and is also somewhat related to the Qi family.

Yu Xinlan let go of her hand and muttered, "He's still in Independence Island, but he should be back soon. I didn't ask him..."

"That's it." The king of country m rubbed his brows with a solemn expression: "It would be great if Mr. Yu was here."

This matter involves the health of the ancestor, and he also wants to discuss it with Yu Qingliu.

Yu Xinlan noticed the man who was still standing in the living room, she rolled her eyes, then twitched the corners of her mouth sneeringly, and said coldly: "What is the identity of the ancestor, you dare to find a liar, I think your whole family is tired of living Already!"

The man was sweating profusely from fright, shaking his shoulders, and said cautiously: "That miracle doctor is not a liar..."

"Okay." Yu Xinlan didn't even give him a chance to finish speaking.

She turned her head and mentioned to King John: "Uncle, during this period of time, I asked someone about the magic pill on the black market. This pill may be able to cure my ancestor's insomnia. Didn't we get two pills before, my ancestor Ate much better…”

When King John heard her mentioning this, he immediately knew what she was talking about, and frowned: "But isn't that medicine gone?"

He knows about this magic pill.

In the past, there would be an auction on the black market every month, and three pills per month, although the quantity is limited, at least they can be bought.

In the past half a year or so, the little pill seemed to have disappeared.

Black market sellers also no longer sell the tiny pills.

They also received a gift from a family by chance.

(End of this chapter)

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