Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2512 Someone left you something at the front desk

Chapter 2512 Someone left something for you at the front desk

Didn't Jian Jin say anything?
Qiao Nian suddenly felt surprised, raised her lips, raised her peaked cap with her cold white hand, and stood idly, with a playful expression: "Oh, it's interesting."

Jian Jin walked from the kitchen to the dining table and pulled out the chair, holding the mobile phone in one hand: "Joe, since the M royal family has found you, do you want to go there a day earlier?"

Qiao Nian looked up and saw Qin Si chasing out from inside to find him, and looked away: "Why should I go there a day earlier."

Jian Jin didn't speak yet.

Qiao Nian was wearing a black hoodie, revealing her strong forearms, and her skin was very fair.

She looked into the night, lowered her eyes, and continued: "Let them wait."

After hearing the girl's arrogant and Qiao Nian's words, Jian Jin reminded her with a wry smile after being distracted for a while: "Joe, behind the m royal family is the hidden family..."

The Hidden World family is not so easy to mess with.

Otherwise, she would have crushed the royal family and rescued Lu Zhi long ago!

She did not dare to act rashly because the M royal family was blessed by the hermit family, so she could only squat outside aggrieved and waited for the news. . .

"You don't understand the horror of the Hermit Family, they..." Jian Jin wanted to explain it to her out of a sense of responsibility.

Qiao Nian looked up and saw that Qin Si had found her, straightened her legs, and interrupted her: "I have something to do here, so I won't tell you."

"Joe..." Jian Jin wanted to say something else.

Seeing that Qin Si was about to rush towards her, Qiao Nian hung up the phone resolutely, and put the phone away slowly.

Just at this moment, Qin Si walked up to him.

Seeing that she didn't make a call, she realized that the time she came out was not coincidental, so she touched her earlobe and said, "Master Wang is still inside, sister Qiao, should we find a place to sit first?"

"Is he still in there?" Qiao Nian looked back into Beichen Club.

"Yeah." Qin Si scratched his head: "Before I came out, I heard Mr. Wang seemed to be talking to that manager. I don't know what they were talking about."

"Oh." Qiao Nian nodded her chin, her dark eyes darkened, as if she had guessed something, but she didn't ask further.

Qin Si had no idea that Ye Fanchuan was the mysterious big boss behind the Beichen Club. Seeing Qiao Nian casually withdrawing his gaze, he stretched his neck to look around, and was going to take Qiao Nian to find a place to drink water.

In the end, before he could find a place to drink water, Ye Wangchuan's car stopped in front of the two of them.

The black Bentley opened the door, and the man in the driver's seat looked sideways at the two of them and said, "Let's go, get in the car."

Qin Si was quite surprised: "Master Wang, why... aren't you talking to the manager inside?"

"It's over."

Ye Wangchuan leaned his elbow on the car window, and put the other hand on the steering wheel. The bright red Buddhist beads on his wrist set off his noble and exquisite appearance, with delicate eyebrows and eyes.

He looked at the girl with deep eyes, and raised the corners of his lips lazily: "Get in the car."

Qiao Nian opened the co-pilot's door and got in the car without making a sound, fastened the seat belt on himself, yawned and said, "Go back."

Qin Si walked to the back row and got into the car with a flutter, expressing no objection to this.

Ye Wangchuan waited for Qin Si to close the car door, then reversed the car and drove towards the hotel.

When the group returned to the hotel, Qiao Nian went back to her room.

Just as she took out the jade that Ye Wangchuan had photographed for her and put it on the table, the intercom phone in the hotel room rang.

Qiao Nian rubbed the space between her brows, and walked over to pick it up irritably, "Hello."

"Hi guest, a guest came to visit while you were away and left something for you at the front desk. Is it convenient for us to deliver it to you?" The front desk of the hotel asked her very politely with a sweet voice.

(End of this chapter)

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