Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2513 Sister Nian: Ask him to send me something

Chapter 2513 Sister Nian: Ask him to send me something back
Qiao Nian didn't know who was looking for her, so she took off her peaked cap and threw it aside, saying casually, "You guys bring it here."

10 minute later.

There was a knock at the door.

"Hi, I'm a staff member of the hotel's room service department."

Qiao Nian covered the computer, got up and dragged the chair to open the door for her.

She opened the door and looked sideways, and sure enough there was a staff member in hotel uniform standing at the door looking at her with a smile.

"Hi, this is your thing."

She handed Qiao Nian a dark blue satin gift box, and handed over a note: "The guest also left you a phone number for you to contact her..."

"Thank you." Qiao Nian thanked her, then took the things and closed the door.

She turned back to the single sofa placed in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, opened the box, and found that it contained a ruby-backed jewelry set.

Qiao Nian took out the necklace inside and looked at it under the light. The ruby ​​was clear and looked extraordinarily precious under the light.

She herself is the designer of SEVEN, and has some research on jewelry.

Qiao Nian could tell at a glance that the value of this set of jewelry was around 80. The price is not expensive in terms of high-end jewelry, but it is considered high-end in terms of ordinary jewelry, barely enough for a three-piece ruby ​​set that meets the threshold of high-end jewelry .

Qiao Nian put back the necklace in her hand, picked up the note given to her by the hotel staff, opened the note and lowered her eyes to look.I saw a line written enthusiastically on the note: [Dr. Qiao, sorry to disturb you, please accept my little favor. 】

Below is a string of numbers.

Then came another paragraph.

[This is my phone number, please call me back. 】

Qiao Nian glanced at the phone number above, and his eyes fell on the last signature - Yu Xinlan from the Yu family.

Yu family?

Qiao Nian immediately understood why the other party was so confident that she would be 'flattered' to call back after giving a gift of 80 yuan.

She threw the note into the trash can with no expression on her face, turned her head and got up, picked up her mobile phone and looked up someone's WeChat: "Is it convenient for Ji Lin?"

Qiao Nian leaned against the edge of the desk, with lazy brows and eyes, very delicate and outstanding, and edited a new message with both hands and sent it.

"Let him send something back for me."

Yu family.

Not long after Yu Xinlan came home from the hotel, she was sitting on the sofa drinking coffee while talking to the housekeeper.

"Did you say that miracle doctor received my gift?"

She frequently looked at the phone on the table.

The housekeeper of the Yu family watched her eyes and nose, and answered her with a very elegant bow: "Miss, the doctor probably hasn't seen anything yet. If she sees the gift you gave her, she will definitely reply to you."

"Really?" Yu Xinlan squinted at him uncertainly.

The housekeeper lowered his head, and his tone was indeed full of pride: "The Yu family is a member of the Hidden Family, as long as she has heard of the Hidden Family, she will not fail to call."

"makes sense."

Yu Xinlan withdrew her gaze, acting as if it was a matter of course, and stopped asking further questions.

She put the coffee cup on the table, her face full of pride, as if the butler's words were in her heart, and she said lightly: "I don't believe in Chinese medicine, but she is the owner of the small pill. For the sake of the family, I have to win over her first." She sees..."

Yu Xinlan was talking.

Yu Qingliu came back with Ji Ziyin.

The butler immediately went up to greet him: "Old Yu, you are back."

(End of this chapter)

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