Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2514 Don't say it's too full, it's not a slap in the face

Chapter 2514 Don't talk too much, it's not a slap in the face

When he saw Ji Ziyin behind him, he paused, and politely called out, "Miss Ji."

In the living room, Yu Xinlan saw Ji Ziyin's smile was slightly restrained, a trace of disdain flashed in her eyes, and she stood up: "Grandpa, didn't you go to the auction?"

"En." Yu Qingliu felt unhappy, walked over quickly, and only answered without answering her question.

Only Ji Ziyin showed embarrassment, unable to lift her head as if she had been poked in a sore spot.

Fortunately, Yu Xinlan didn't look at her at all, she walked over and took Yu Qingliu's arm and said, "I happen to have something to tell you. That doctor..."

Yu Qingliu reacted quickly and immediately patted her hand.

Yu Xinlan realized that there was an 'outsider' at home, she immediately glanced in the direction of the young woman out of the corner of her eye, and immediately stopped talking.

There was an awkward atmosphere in the air. . .

Ji Ziyin seemed to have been slapped, her face became hot, and she immediately said to the two: "Old Yu, I'm going upstairs first."

Yu Qingliu Mingming was eager for her to go up, but the scene said very beautifully: "Well, you are tired tonight, go to bed early."

"Okay." Ji Ziyin knew that Yu Xinlan didn't want to see her, and she didn't want to make fun of herself, so she turned around and walked to the guest room on the second floor.

Until her figure disappeared at the stairs, there was the sound of the door closing on the second floor.

Only then did Yu Qingliu relax, pushed away his granddaughter's hand, sat down on the sofa, raised his head, and said annoyedly, "What are you going to tell me?"

"I went to the hotel to find the doctor today, and I picked a gift from home for her." Yu Xinlan sat on the sofa next to him, and brought up the gift without feeling distressed at all.

The three-piece ruby ​​suit she gave away was a gift from Qi Yan when she was coming of age.

Yu Xinlan has always looked down on the other party's aesthetics, and thinks that set of jewelry is too gaudy, and she can't even go out wearing it.

Just taking advantage of this opportunity to recycle garbage, Yu Xinlan didn't take it seriously: "It was a coming-of-age gift I received, and the price was around 100 million. But when I went, she wasn't at the hotel, so I don't know where she went."

"Have you found out her identity?" Yu Qingliu looked at her with a surprised expression.

Yu Xinlan mentioned to him about the miracle doctor during the day, but he had just got off the plane and was going to an important auction at night, so he didn't take time to care about the miracle doctor...

He didn't expect Yu Xinlan's hands and feet to be so fast, and he said with rare relief in his heart: "What did you find out about that genius doctor?"

"I checked it myself, but I didn't find her." Yu Xinlan didn't dare to lie to him, and said truthfully: "It was the background of the person who was checked by the M royal family. I don't know much, I only know a little bit of information. Just where she lives and her name."

Yu Qingliu was not surprised.

Her Majesty the Queen has a noble status, and it is impossible for anyone to approach her. It is not surprising that members of the M royal family would check on that miracle doctor.

He just wanted to ask Yu Xinlan the name of the miracle doctor.

The butler walked in quickly, leaned over and said to him: "Old Yu, there are people outside who want to see the eldest lady."

"see me?"

Yu Xinlan pointed to herself in surprise.

The housekeeper of the Yu family nodded affirmatively: "Yes."

Yu Qingliu was relatively calm, raised his hand and said to him: "Let someone come in."

After a while, the housekeeper of the Yu family led a plain-looking middle-aged man in from the outside, and the other party explained the purpose of coming when he saw the two of them neither humble nor overbearing.

"Miss Yu, I was entrusted to return your gift."

(End of this chapter)

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