Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2521 Read sister's conditions, I want Lu to be free

Chapter 2521 Read sister's conditions, I want Lu to be free
What's more, from ancient times to the present, any force has acquiesced to an unwritten rule-no matter how you fight, don't move the healer!
Her Majesty the Queen didn't move the Pharmacy Association, how could they, a little Yu family, really move the Pharmacy Association.

Zhong Liuliu has a clear heart, that's why he rejects himself without giving any face.

Yu Qingliu was not in the mood to see Yu Xinlan's deflated and uncomfortable expression, and opened the car window for air, looking out the window, frowning. .

Who is that Qiao?

"Let's go back first."

Yu Qingliu planned to go back to the royal family of M to tell Yu Xinlan's uncle the news.

"Since only the other party has this medicine, let's see what conditions the other party wants to raise."

"..." Yu Xinlan gritted her teeth, and had a different idea in her heart.

The next day.

Nine in the morning.

As soon as the sun came out in the morning, Qiao Nian was awakened by the sound of the phone in the room.

Her eyes were bloodshot, and she turned over very dryly, pulled a coat and put it on to answer the phone.

"Hello." The voice was hoarse and hoarse, and it was obvious that he hadn't slept well.

The person at the other end was stunned for a moment, and quickly came back to his senses: "Hello, Dr. Qiao, we are from the royal family of M."

Qiao Nian suppressed the scarlet color in his eyes, and rubbed his eyes: "Oh, what can I do for you."

She changed her phone number, but her hotel room number remained the same.

The other party contacted her through the hotel's internal phone.

Qiao Nian knew it well.

"We tried the medicine you gave, and it worked very well."

While listening to him, Qiao Nian dragged a chair over to sit down, with the sleepiness still lingering in the corners of her eyes, she interrupted him impatiently: "Speak up if you have something to say."

Behind the royal family is the hidden family.

People in the Hermit family are used to being arrogant, and they are not used to being treated with this attitude for a while.

Fortunately, the other party reacted very quickly, and said politely: "Dr. Qiao didn't say that you need to meet your conditions for treatment. What are your conditions?"


Qiao Nian's eyes darkened slightly, and her tone of voice slowly suppressed her blood, "I want Lu Zhi."


The other party didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

After a few seconds, it seemed as if he had reacted to the condition Qiao Nian put forward: "I'm sorry, Doctor Qiao, please say it again."

"I want you to let Lu Zhi go."

"..." Is this a general condition? ? ?

Without waiting for him to ask again, Qiao Nian said bluntly: "This is the only condition I have. If you can meet it, I promise to cure your ancestors. If you can't do it, then our cooperation will be void!"

The person in charge of contacting her in the royal family of m dared not make a decision, and he hesitated to answer: "Doctor Qiao, your request..."

"You can discuss it first, and tell me the answer after discussing it."

The girl's voice was lazy, without the irritability that she didn't wake up at the beginning, but it was in a non-negotiable tone: "...I'm not in a hurry."

The implication is that if you can't agree on it, you will pull it down!
Her attitude made M's royal family dare not draw conclusions lightly, so they could only tell her first: "I will report to my husband first."


Qiao Nian hung up the phone.

Someone knocked on the door just outside.

She changed her clothes and went to open the door.

Unexpectedly, it was Qin Si who was looking for her.

"Sister Qiao." Seeing the girl just waking up, Qin Si knew that he had come too early, scratched his head and looked inside: "I came to find you for breakfast, I heard that the breakfast in the hotel is not bad, do you want to go together? "

He stayed up late last night playing games all night, took a cold shower in the morning and came to Qiao Nian for dinner, and after eating, he was going to go to bed and sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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