Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2522 How are you going to use that medicine?

Chapter 2522 How are you going to use that medicine?
Qiao Nian just got up, so she stepped aside to let him in, "I'll wash my face right away."


Qin Si followed in and saw her go to the sink to wash her face, so she found a seat and sat down to wait for Qiao Nian to finish. .

As a result, at a glance, Qiao Nian saw the ancient jade worth ten figures thrown on the table.

He remembered that it was worth a courtyard house, but Qiao Nian casually threw it on the table, as if it was worthless.

Qin Si twitched the corners of his mouth, looked away, and waited for Qiao Nian to come out to have breakfast with him at the hotel restaurant...

When Ye Wangchuan heard that Qiao Nian and Qin Si were going to have breakfast at the hotel, he also got up.

Half an hour later, the group went neatly to the restaurant on the top floor of the hotel for dinner.

This hotel is famous for its rich variety of breakfasts and excellent chef skills. There are many guests who wake up for breakfast in the morning.

Qin Si went to occupy a seat by the window first, while Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan went to get food.

Compared with Ye Wangchuan's combination of bread + salad.

The things that girls hold are much more down-to-earth.

Ye Wangchuan took his share and put it back, he replaced Qin Si's work to occupy a seat there, and Qin Si could go get his own breakfast.

Then, unfortunately, I saw Qiao Nian's breakfast, a bowl of red beef noodles + a glass of juice.

He couldn't help but stop and said, "Sister Qiao, do you eat this in the morning?" It's too spicy!

Qiao Nian replied as usual: "I eat this every morning when I'm around the city."

Qin Si thought of Qiao Nian's taste, patted his forehead, and went to get something for himself.

He just walked away.

Ye Wangchuan went to fetch a glass of milk for Qiao Nian and came back. Seeing what the girl was carrying, he consciously carried it for her, and lazily said, "I'm done? Let's go."


With his hands empty, Qiao Nian put his hands in his pockets and followed him.

She had just walked halfway when the phone she brought out vibrated.

Qiao Nian paused, took out her phone, looked down, and saw Zhong Liuliu's message asking her where she was.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Zhong Liuliu who came to the door.

Qiao Nian sent him a message: look ahead.

The old man at the entrance of the restaurant was dressed in a modified Tang suit, and he came to find someone with Robert, and then he went to Qiao Nian's room and knocked on the door, but no one opened the door.

Robert suggested that he come up to look for it according to the time. Before he saw anyone, he saw the message from Qiao Nian.

Zhong Liuliu was about to raise his head.

Robert had already spotted the girl first, grabbed his arm, and pointed forward: "Teacher, Q is over there!"

In the blink of an eye, the breakfast for three turned into a breakfast for five.

Qin Si also recognized that Robert was the "rival in love" of Mr. Wang that he saw at the entrance of the hotel that day. He took a peek at Ye Wangchuan and saw that the man's handsome face was calm and unwavering, and he didn't seem to mind being with sister Qiao. The suitors' table.

He gave Ye Wangchuan a thumbs up in his heart, what a grand master!

Then he was very discerning and did not interrupt, quietly serving as a background board.

Zhong Liuliu came to Qiao Nian because he had something to say, seeing so many people, it was hard for him to speak up.

Qiao Nian saw his hesitation, pushed him a glass of juice, and said, "They are all acquaintances, let's talk directly."

"They all know?" Zhong Liuliu looked around in surprise.

Seeing the girl nodding indifferently.

He became serious, silent for a second, and said directly to her: "People from the Yu family came to look for me yesterday, and the royal family of M also came to look for me this morning. I just want to ask you, how do you plan to use that medicine? "

(End of this chapter)

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