Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2577 Thin waist control is coming

Chapter 2577 Thin waist control is coming

A lot of blood gushed out from Curly's neck, his eyes widened, and his eyeballs seemed to be about to fall out, and he fell to the ground full of astonishment and unwillingness.

In the dark night, the sound of a big man falling to the ground was like thunder.

The sniper who spoke to him on his front foot witnessed everything, and his back was dripping with cold sweat, forgetting that he was a sniper.

Turning around, picking up the gun and pointing it at the man who came out of the night, he stammered a warning: "Don't come here...don't come here... I'm shooting, I'm going to shoot!"

Because of his extreme panic, his finger had already touched the trigger, and he might pull the trigger at any time.

The man was not afraid, he opened his hands and continued to walk towards him, with a half-smile on his face, as if to say 'you shoot'.

Who the hell is this!

The sniper could no longer control the panic in his heart, closed his eyes, and prepared to shoot.

at this time.

A bullet cut through the tranquility of the night outside the Pharmacy Association, the bullet directly passed through the back of the Yu family sniper's head, and with a bang, blossomed on his forehead.

A lot of blood spattered on the man's clothes.

The young man with bird feathers frowned, took out his handkerchief to wipe it with disgust, and muttered: "Daji is a bitch, every time I push this kind of dirty and tiring work to the young master! Damn, It's so dirty, if it happens again next time, I might as well go to the red light district to sell P shares!"

He murmured that he disliked this place and that place, but he acted swiftly. He lowered his head and ordered with the invisible communicator on his collar: "Why are you all standing there? Don't slow down the efficiency of our Red League. Let me take care of the rest!"

"SUN is still waiting for the message from Xiaoye!"

"Hurry up."

Yu family.

The butler of the Yu family answered the phone outside and came in: "Old Yu, our people have safely delivered the things to the bunker."

"Where's the money?" Yu Qingliu propped his forehead with his hand: "Have you sent the money they asked for?"

This time, the butler has habitually ignored Ji Ziyin who is on the side, and replied respectfully: "The 50 billion was successfully transferred through an overseas bank 10 minutes ago."


Yu Qingliu remained silent for a long time, his heart was bleeding.

So much money + arms.

The Yu family will have to start all over again in Continent F.

But in a place like F continent where dragons and snakes are mixed, it's not easy for them to start all over again!

"The dark castle didn't say when they will act?" Yu Qingliu adjusted his mood. The only thing that can comfort him now is that the dark castle will teach Qiao a lesson soon, and the Yu family can also improve their status in the hermit family.

The housekeeper of the Yu family lowered his eyes and remained silent.

Yu Qingliu frowned, and looked at him dissatisfied: "I'm asking you something."

The butler had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "The dark castle, the people in the dark castle took our money and things and hung up the phone without saying when to do it."


Yu Qingliu thought he was joking with herself.

However, people who rushed in from outside soon interrupted his dream.

"Old Yu, it's not good!"

"What are you doing in a hurry!" Yu Qingliu stood up, and angrily scolded the person who came in.

The man was flustered and couldn't calm down at all. He raised his head and said, "We, us, all of us outside the Pharmacy Association are gone!"


Yu Qingliu failed to stabilize this time, his body swayed, and he fell back to the sofa.

Ji Ziyin was also taken aback, and looked at the Yu family who rushed in, seeing that his pupils were trembling, obviously he wasn't lying.

(End of this chapter)

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