Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2578 Yu Qingliu knew he was being played

Chapter 2578 Yu Qingliu knew he was being played
She was even more surprised.

At the same time, there was a strong uneasiness in my heart.

She turned her head to look at Yu Qingliu: "Old Yu, Qiao Nian has already made arrangements for her?"

Yu Qingliu hadn't recovered from the bad news brought by the reporter, and didn't hear what she was saying.

Ji Ziyin gritted her teeth, quietly pinched her fingernails tightly, lowered her eyes to hide her ambition, and encouraged her in a low voice: "She is such a person, she always likes to hide behind others' backs, and I have suffered a lot in Independent Island. She was often stabbed in the back."

Yu Qingliu was upset, and raised his hand to tell the housekeeper, "Hurry up and contact the bunker, and let them do it immediately."

Then he got up the Yu family who were on the ground, frowned and said: "We have arranged hundreds of people outside the Pharmacy Association, all of them are elites, and there are hidden snipers. How can you say that everyone is gone? Why not? gone? Which ones are gone?"

He still had a little fantasy: "Even if the others are gone, what about the sniper? The sniper should still be there! You let them do it!"

"I want Qiao Nian's life!"

By now.

Yu Qingliu understood that he had no way out, and spoke extremely fiercely.

However, things were more serious than he imagined.

Soon a new person rushed in, his face was covered in blood, his shoulders were soaked with blood, and he stumbled in: "Old Yu, snipers, all snipers from the Yu family were wiped out!" Already!"

"..." Yu Qingliu was completely speechless right now.

But the housekeeper finished the call and told him even worse news: "...The people in the dark castle said that they can't touch Qiao Nian."

Yu Qingliu turned his face sideways, his eyes were full of poison, he grabbed the old housekeeper's arm, and clenched it tightly: "They took our money, and they told me not to move at this time? Are they playing with me?"

The butler's arm was bruised from being caught by him. He avoided his eyes in pain, and stammered, "The man in the dark castle said that Qiao Nian is... his sister-in-law."

"They're just trying to cheat us of our money and the resources of continent f..."

"Old Yu, we were deceived."

Yu Qing's blood flowed upwards, and a burst of hot air rushed straight to Tianling Gai, his mind went blank, and he looked around blankly.


The Yu family who came in to report.

Ji Ziyin.

Everyone's expressions were imprinted in his eyes.

As if he had lost his soul, he opened his mouth and gasped for air, but he couldn't make a sound: "..."

The dark castle is actually Qiao Nian's person?

The butler said lightly, we were cheated.

But what the Yu family lost was a century-old foundation in Continent F!
There is almost half of the net worth.

Yu Qingliu let go of his hand in a daze, and the butler staggered over to support him: "Old Yu, you can't fall down, the Yu family still depends on you."

But Yu Qingliu smiled miserably, and spat out a mouthful of blood angrily: "The Yu family? After dawn, what is there for the Yu family?"

The empress had told him from the very beginning that the Hermit family would not get involved this time, and the Yu family could only fight alone.

He didn't pay attention to a yellow-haired girl outside the hidden family before. In his opinion, how powerful can a 20-year-old girl be?
Can she surpass herself?
Even if the Yu family is not in the mainstream, it is also a member of the hermit family.

But reality slapped him hard.

The beating made his eyes stare, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

"Where's Xinlan?" Yu Qingliu struggled to maintain his final sobriety from a series of blows. Thinking of the only seedling of the Yu family, he immediately turned his head and looked at Ji Ziyin with red eyes: "Didn't you tell me that you can find Xinlan? where?"

(End of this chapter)

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