Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2585 The forces behind Lu Zhi are...

Chapter 2585 The forces behind Lu Zhi are...

When Jian Jin walked in, she saw the girl opened the door of the refrigerator in the hotel suite, took out a can of Coke from it with her translucent fingertips, and did not speak.

Jian Jin didn't think too much about it: "Boss Lu is still awake, why don't you wait until he wakes up and meet up?"

Qiao Nian and Lu Zhi rarely saw each other these years.

But the relationship between the two has always been very good, and it belongs to the kind of strong friendship that puts each other at ease even without meeting, so she wonders why Qiao Nian didn't wait for Lu Zhi to wake up this time before leaving.

Qiao Nian came back with two cans of Coke and threw one of them to her: "Here you are."

Jian Jin quickly caught the Coke, leaned on the sofa, lowered her head and opened the Coke tab while sitting loosely, and said, "Hey, you really don't want to wait for Big Brother Lu to wake up and meet him?"

"You are willing to come here from Independent Continent, he should be waking up soon, wait for half a day at most..."

"no need."

Qiao Nian sat down.

Under Jian Jin's gaze, she turned the coke can in her hand, and did not pull the tab in a hurry. Instead, she leaned back and looked up at the person sitting opposite her.

"Do you know that Lu Zhi is the boss of Organization K?" Jian Jin looked at her in shock.

The Coke in her hand fell to the ground in an instant, and the gurgling Coke was scattered all over the floor. The can hit the table leg with a 'snap' and woke her up.

Jian Jin immediately took out a few pieces of paper, and bent over in a panic to wipe the stains on the floor: "Sorry, my hand slipped, I'll clean this place right away."

Qiao Nian got up and handed her the paper, and continued, "I know everything."

Jian Jin's whole body was stiff, and she didn't move when she heard the words. After a long time, she raised her head as if she had lost all resistance, and she didn't dare to meet Qiao Nian's eyes. She moved her lips: "Lu Zhi has a last resort."

"I know..." Qiao Nian replied very straightforwardly.

The more she behaved like this, the more guilty Jian Jin felt: "That time...the people from Independent Continent found the K organization to place an order, and he had to accept it due to the pressure from the Hermit Family."

"But he told Huang Mao a long time ago that Huang Mao is not allowed to hurt you. It is also for this reason that he was detained by the hidden family this time." Jian Jin tried her best to talk to Qiao Nian about Lu Zhi's concealed behavior. Explanation: "It's not that he didn't want to tell you. He asked me several times if I wanted to tell you. I thought you might not be able to accept it, so I told him not to."

Jian Jin raised her head, and said to the girl with guilt and self-blame on her face, "Joe, if you want to blame, blame me, it's all my fault."

The three of them escaped from hell together, and they agreed to give each other their lives. It was she and Lu Zhi who did it dishonestly.


Jian Jin really had no face to face people, so she lowered her head slowly.

Qiao Nian had been quietly listening to her, and was not surprised to see her admit that Lu Zhi was the boss behind the K organization.

"I knew right away that something was wrong with those people."

"They took Xie Xinyao's money, but it seemed that they were just doing it perfunctorily, and they didn't really do anything to me."

She twitched the corners of her mouth, her black hair drooped to cover her eyes, and her whole body was full of dry breath: "I suspected who was helping me at that time."

Jian Jin's lips trembled, her face was defeated: "Joe, I'm sorry."

Qiao Nian looked at her, but Jian Jin didn't dare to look into her eyes, and avoided her sight in embarrassment.

She bent down and put the paper back on the table, stood up, straightened her back and said to the person on the ground, "Don't tell Lu Zhi."

Jian Jin raised her head in astonishment, not understanding what she meant: "Joe, will you forgive us?"

(End of this chapter)

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