Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2586 Sister Nian can't forgive them for stabbing them in the back

Chapter 2586 Sister Nian can't forgive them for stabbing them in the back
Qiao Nian put one hand in his pocket, and wanted to pull off his peaked cap in agitation, only to realize that he had just taken a shower and was not wearing a cap at all.

She didn't look into Jian Jin's eyes, and tried her best to look calm: "I hate betrayal the most."

"Especially the betrayal of a friend."

"Because we only give our backs to people we trust. If someone stabs me in the back, I don't resent them, and I can't go back to the past."

The girl's voice was calm and calm, and the tone of the eloquent voice made people calm down for no reason, but the discomfort was not as easy as Qiao Nian slapped her twice.

At least Jian Jin hoped that Qiao Nian could slap her twice, it would be better than this sentence: I can't go back to the past.

"Joe, Boss Lu never thought of hurting you, nor did I." Jian Jin's starry eyes flickered, and she said with difficulty: "He has a last resort, I..."

She can't say her difficulties, and she can't say them out.

Qiao Nian hummed, and didn't refute her, just asked her: "Does Lu Zhi know that the K organization has something to do with my mother's death?"

Jian Jin suddenly raised her head, her pupils trembling violently.

"My mother died at the hands of members of the K organization." Qiao Nian said with a blank expression, "In other words, no matter who is behind the K organization, they are at least the knife that killed my mother back then. Do you and Lu Zhi know about this?"

Jian Jin lowered her head slightly and remained silent.

because. .

she knows.

Lu Zhi also knew.

What they think in their hearts is not important, they have already hurt Joe in their actions.

Jian Jin left by herself.

Before she left, she didn't mention Lu Zhi to Qiao Nian, she just said: "I won't tell him about today's affairs. Joe, I'm sorry."

Qiao Nian watched her leave without saying anything.

Jian Jin could only leave here sadly.

Until Jian Jin left.

The door to the suite opposite was opened.

Ye Wangchuan changed into a fresh home clothes, leaned against the door, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and said to her, "Have you made it clear to them?"

Qiao Nian raised her eyelids, quite speechless: "You know again?"

Ye Wangchuan smiled slightly, but did not speak.

Qiao Nian was even more speechless. With his hands on his forehead, he pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at the man. It took him a long time to hold back his words: "No, did you install a monitor on me? Why do you know everything?"

She remembered that she hadn't told him about Lu Zhi, and he guessed about it just by seeing Jian Jin coming and going.

Is this science?

This is so completely unscientific!

Ye Wangchuan didn't answer her directly, stepped forward, touched the girl's wet hair, lowered his head, and said softly with his eyes: "Your hair hasn't been dried yet, and you'll catch a cold if you don't dry it."

He took the girl's hand with his big hand, wrapped the girl's cool hand in his big palm to warm it up, and pulled her back to the room.

"Come on, I'll blow dry you."


Qiao Nian followed him into the room.

Ye Wangchuan let go of her hand, and went to the bathroom to find the hair dryer, and went to the plug to plug it in.He dragged a chair in front of him, and waved to the girl standing there: "Nian Nian, sit here."

Qiao Nian paused, walked over, sat on the chair, suddenly lowered her eyes and said, "Don't you ask me what I said to Jian Jin?"

Ye Wangchuan untied the rubber band that tied her hair casually, put the rubber band that Qiao Nian tied her hair on his wrist bone, and gently ran his fingers through the girl's hair, turned on the hair dryer, turned it on to the minimum wind and began to gently blow it for her Hair: "Do you want to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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