Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2596 Single Dogs Help Each Other

Chapter 2596 Single Dogs Help Each Other
Qiao Nian came back from the First Research Institute.

In the villa, Gu San has already ordered a takeaway hot pot, which has just been lit.

As soon as she entered the door, she could smell the fragrant butter wafting from the bottom of the pot, so she changed her shoes and went in.

Gu San was just making seasoning sauce, when he saw Qiao Nian coming back, he greeted her: "Miss Qiao, you are back."

Qiao Nian walked over, looked around but didn't see anyone, so she took off her coat and hung it on the side of the chair, opened the chair and asked him, "Where's Ye Wangchuan?"

Gu San conveniently brought her a bowl: "Master Wang is reading in the upstairs study, come down soon?"


Qiao Nian responded, and put seasonings in his own bowl.

She eats hot pot with a typical southern taste. She likes to add onion, garlic, millet and chili to the seasoning bowl and add a little red oil.

Ye Wangchuan and Qin Si are all of the taste of Beijing, and they prefer sesame paste.

Qiao Nian seasoned it himself.

When she finished her seasoning bowl, Gu San had already gone upstairs and called Ye Wangchuan down.

Qin Si just finished taking a shower, and came out of the room wearing a bathrobe: "The hot pot is cooked, it smells so good."

Qiao Nian put some vegetables down with chopsticks, leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and squinted at him: "Ah, it's almost ready."

"Damn it, sister Qiao?" Qin Si realized that Gu San wasn't in the living room, and it was Qiao Nian who was there to help put the dishes. He covered his bathrobe around his collar, and hurried to the room with his legs between his legs: "I'll go Change your clothes and come out right away..."


Qiao Nian didn't see clearly what he was wearing just now, but saw him slipping so fast, leaving only a white afterimage.

She didn't care, and by the way, put the seasoning bowls for the three of them, and specially added a little extra coriander to someone's bowl.

Ye Wangchuan really likes coriander, Qiao Nian just can't taste the taste of coriander, he always feels a bit dark cooking taste.

She adjusted the seasoning for the three of them respectively, Ye Wangchuan and Gu San walked down from the second floor, Qin Si also changed into a new set of home clothes and came out of the room.

It was more natural for him to change into his own clothes. He walked over and sat down in a random seat, raised his handsome face and looked at the girl who had already moved his chopsticks: "Sister Qiao, you came back so soon? We thought you were going to study what to eat."

"No." Qiao Nian just scalded a piece of hair belly for himself, raised his eyebrows, and replied lazily: "They still have something to do, so I'll go first."

Ye Wangchuan just opened the chair beside her and sat down. Seeing the three bowls on the table, he reached out and took the bowl with the most coriander. His fingertips were slender and shiny. He tilted his head and his dark pupils dimly lit up to look at the girl: "This its mine?"

Qiao Nian looked at it, and admitted very frankly: "Yes."

"Thank you." Ye Wangchuan's voice was even deeper, with a vibrating smile in his tone, he handed her a can of orange juice, and thoughtfully pulled the tab off for Qiao Nian.

Qin Si had also put a piece of spare ribs in the hot pot, and was about to eat it, but seeing the small interaction between the two, the spare ribs in his mouth suddenly tasted bad.

He threw away his chopsticks and asked plausibly, "I want a drink too."

"Get it yourself." Ye Wangchuan didn't even move his eyes, it was as ruthless as an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, and he gracefully took the chopsticks and prepared to start.

Qin Si cursed inwardly, pulled away the chair and got up, patted Gu San on the shoulder, with a good posture as two brothers: "Gu San, what do you want to drink, I will help you get it."

"?" Gu San was puzzled.

Qin Si looked at the indifferent two people again, and was even more depressed: "Don't look at me, I'm called animal mutual aid." Single dogs help each other!
(End of this chapter)

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