Chapter 2597 is sun okay

"Oh." Gu San came to understand slowly, and told him very disruptively: "I don't drink at night."


Qin Si could only go to get the coke he wanted to drink depressed by himself.

"The dean asked you to go there for something?" Ye Wangchuan scalded the girl's belly a few times before putting down his chopsticks.

Qiao Nian was still burying her head in eating, when she heard this, she raised her eyelids, her eyes were extremely beautiful: "Well, there's something wrong."

Without waiting for Ye Wangchuan to ask, she took the initiative to say: "He wants me to enter the Privy Council."

Ye Wangchuan's eyes flashed, he really knew this place.

"The Privy Council of the Hermit Family?"

He thought for a while, then lowered his eyes: "The dean is also for your own good."

Qiao Nian glanced at him, and it wasn't surprising that he would know this, so he hummed and continued to casually say, "I know what he thinks, and he also told me what he thinks."

Ye Wangchuan looked at her: "What do you think?"

He wanted to know what Qiao Nian himself thought.

Qiao Nian didn't look at him this time, and grabbed another piece of beef in the blink of an eye: "I haven't figured it out yet, maybe I will try it, maybe I won't."

Mentioning this matter, Qiao Nian lost his appetite, put down his chopsticks, and turned to look at him, his whole body was covered with a cold and uneasy mood: "He wants me to participate in the recruitment of the Privy Council, but the Hermit Family The condition for recruiting new recruits admit that the blood of the Ji family is flowing in my body..."

When she talked about Ji's family, a layer of haze shrouded her heart: "You should know what I found, and Ji's family was also involved in my mother's death."

Ye Wangchuan reached out and shook her hand, lowered his eyes, and said in a soothing and pleasant voice, "But no matter what, Auntie is from Ji's family."

Qiao Nian raised her eyes suddenly.

His expression was resolute, without the slightest fluctuation, and he stated a fact calmly: "My aunt has never denied her identity."

Qiao Nian pursed her lips, avoided looking, and picked up chopsticks to eat again.

A full minute passed.

She said irritably, "I'll think about it."

Ye Wangchuan's purpose is not to force her to choose, but to provide her with a new way of thinking when she is rarely confused.

Seeing that the girl seemed to be quite annoying, he picked up the chopsticks again without saying a word, burned a few pieces of hairy belly for her, and said softly: "Eat first, and then think about it when you are full."

Gu San acted as the background board throughout the whole process, maintaining a good upbringing, not interrupting, not talking too much, not asking random questions.

Just then.

His phone vibrated.

Gu San put down his chopsticks, took out his phone, and looked down.

It turned out that Zhou Zhou had sent him the message.

【Is Sun okay? 】

Gu San sneaked up a glance at Qiao Nian, edited the message with his mobile phone in both hands and went back: [Miss Qiao is fine, she is eating hot pot. 】

He hasn't put the phone back yet.

Zhou Zhou's news came later: [It's good that she's fine, but I'm still worried that she's in a bad mood. 】

[You turn around and help me watch her more, and send me a message if you have something to do. 】

Gu Santing wanted to say: This is inappropriate, right?

But after thinking about it, he still replied to Zhou Zhou: [Okay. 】

Qiao Nian didn't notice Gu San's small movements, she happened to have almost finished eating, so she put down her chopsticks and said to the three of them, "I'm full, go upstairs first, you eat slowly."

"Are you already full?" Qin Si was chatting with Gu San about things in Beijing not long after he sat down.

Something happened to the Wei family recently.

Wei Lou liquidated his aunt Wei Ying's lineage out of the family, and now Wei Ying's son-in-law Shen Jingyan's promotion has been affected.

(End of this chapter)

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