Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2725 Ye Fanchuan is also here

Chapter 2725 Ye Fanchuan is also here
Qiao Nian didn't say it was Ji's family this time.

But someone remembered the name.

There was a commotion among the people in the church in the neighborhood, and someone was shocked amidst the noise: "Ji Qing's daughter? Ji Qing has a daughter? That's... the direct line of the Ji family?"

The direct line of the Ji family and the side branches have completely different weights.

In their class, the offshoots can only enjoy the glory of the family, while the direct line has the power to inherit the family.

Ji Ziyin and Qiao Nian have never been in the same weight group.

Someone wisely ran inside to report the news.

A few minutes later, an ordinary-looking man walked out quickly. Seeing the situation outside, his eyelids twitched and he hurried over.

"Miss Joe."

Jacob knew her.

Qiao Nian gave him a lot of face, and also called out: "Daji, put the things down."

"Okay." Daji put down the thing smoothly.

Jacob had already recognized him, he was taken aback for a moment, and called out uncertainly, "David?"

Daji ignored him, and was much more arrogant than the bald men before. She turned her head and talked to the girl indifferently: "Our people will be here soon, you can rest assured to talk to them."

Jacob's eyebrows twitched again, he turned his head to look at the girl, and said in a slightly cold voice, "Miss Qiao, what do you mean?"

Bring someone to smash the scene?

Qiao Nian was very straightforward, with one hand in his pocket, standing sideways in front of him: "Look for someone."


"I've had people send messages for me, but they don't seem very happy, so that's the only way I can go. Don't you mind?"

The church has occupied a place in the Privy Council for so many years, and Jacob and the others have not been irritated. This is the first time someone has taught them at the door of their house. They politely asked if they didn't mind?
He looked down at the 'something' next to Daji's feet, the corners of his mouth were straightened, and the root of his tongue was pressed: "I don't mind."

At this moment, Daji's cell phone rang.

He picked up the phone and did not shy away from other people: "Huh? You follow us? All right, I don't know how the conversation is going here, so you can bring a few people here."

He was on the phone while looking at Qiao Nian.

After hanging up the phone, he said to Qiao Nian concisely: "Young Master Ye is worried about you, Moxi and the others will bring someone here immediately."

He originally looked down on men like Ye Wangchuan, at least he thought that the man who deserves sun should not be a lazy and expensive man who is not interested in anything.

But this time he acted quite manly.

Daji has changed his opinion to a certain extent.

He deliberately said that he would let the people in the church know so that Qiao Nian would not be in danger when he went in later. This was a disguised form of intimidation.

The conflict on this side of the block has not spread for a while, and Jacob takes her to see Quentin.

In the medieval church, except for the man standing in front of the cross praying, the rows of seats are empty.

"Archbishop, I brought Ms. Qiao in." Jacob was very jealous of the man in front of him. After speaking carefully, he winked at Qiao Nian and went out by himself.

Qiao Nian waited for him to leave before walking forward, took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it over: "Look at this."

Seeing the draft paper handed to him, Quentin narrowed his eyes, very dangerously: "I heard that the people you brought were also armed."

"No way, it's not easy to see you." The girl admitted frankly that she brought someone along.

The corners of Quentin's mouth were straightened, and he stood up straight. He was tall and condescending: "I have never been threatened in my life."

"That's multiple life experiences."

(End of this chapter)

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