Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2726 Why do you ruin your life for a dead person

Chapter 2726 Why do you ruin your life for a dead person

Girls are not overwhelmed by his aura at all, and it is rare that they can meet his eyes.

"I'm here to make a deal, not to threaten anyone, but there is always a face-to-face interview when doing business, don't you think?"

Quentin looked at her deeply, then looked away suddenly, took the paper from her hand, opened it, and glanced over it with lowered eyes.

His expression became serious as he read the contents of the paper, and looked at the girl again, as if surprised that she could get such a thing.

"You checked it yourself?"

Qiao Nian dragged the stool next to him and sat down: "Well, I just got it not long ago."

After reading the contents of the paper, Quentin crumpled it into a ball, took out a lighter from his body, lit it, and threw the ashes of the paper into the copper ridge beside him before saying, "I advise you not to look into it."

Qiao Nian watched him burn the piece of paper to ashes, stretched out his hand, and a piece of white wrist bone leaked from the sleeve, and he said unscrupulously: "I came to you today to find out one thing, she died because of this thing Is it?"

Quentin put the lid on the copper ridge, tilted his head and looked at her again, as if he didn't understand why she must know the truth: "I told you, I advise you not to investigate this matter."

"Originally, I shouldn't care whether you check it or not, but you have some connections with me, so I kindly remind you."

"In addition, I will keep the secret for you, and will not let the third person know that you still have this piece of paper in your hand."

What Ji Qing studies is something that the Hermit Family absolutely cannot tolerate.

Once they know that there are still people who have the results of Ji Qing's research, then...they will definitely target Qiao Nian.

Quentin looked at the girl in front of him and thought of what the housekeeper had said to him.

He still intends to show her the way: "You should have guessed that she would die when you saw this. She is already dead. You don't need to risk your life for a dead person."

She is dead.

It's a dead man.

Qiao Nian wanted to laugh very much at this moment, and an unknown fire sprang up in her heart, as if it wanted to burn her heart, liver, spleen and stomach clean.

Because Ji Qing died.

Because it is dead.

So everyone took it for granted that it was over.

No one needs to pay for this matter, and no one needs to give Ji Qing an explanation, including an explanation to her!
Because Ji Qing is dead!

How can the living live for the dead in their eyes?

Qiao Nian heard her voice say calmly, "What if I must tell the truth?"

What if she had to make those people pay?
Killing pays for life, isn't it?
Quentin frowned, thinking that she didn't know what he was implying. There was too much power behind this matter, and she wanted to fight alone. Ji Lingfeng couldn't resist back then...

But he touched the girl's black eyes, as if a beast was about to rush out of it.

He silently withdrew his gaze, curled his fingers, breathed in and exhaled again, frowned and let go slowly, lowered his eyes and said: "What do you want to know?"

An hour later, Qiao Nian walked out of the church.

Three parties gathered in the block.

As soon as she came out, hundreds of pairs of eyes looked at her.

The girl was the same as when she entered, she still had the same unscrupulous look, but when she saw so many people outside, she reached out and lowered the brim of her hat to hide the gloomy emotions in her eyes.

"Let's go."

She walked up to Daji and the others.

Moxi also came and greeted her: "Miss Qiao, Mr. Wang is waiting for you in the car."

"En." Qiao Nian asked him about the car, and walked straight over, before opening the door, the door opened by itself.

(End of this chapter)

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