Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2728 Sister Nian: Come and not reciprocate

Chapter 2728 Sister Nian: Come and not reciprocate

m country.

A man dressed as a servant hurried in, bumped into the man in black who came out, and he immediately gave way respectfully: "Master Shadow."


Shadow was about to pass by him, when he suddenly saw the box in his hand, which looked like a courier, he stopped, his eyes fell on his hand, and he pouted and asked him: "What are you holding in your hand?"

"Ah?" The man was taken aback for a moment, then realized immediately, and handed over the box with both hands: "It's the queen's express delivery."

Shadow heard that it was indeed a courier, subconsciously took the box, and the box was not heavy, as if there was nothing in it.

He saw that the recipient was the empress, but the sender made him suddenly lower his eyes, his eyes fell on the servant in front of him like a knife, and he suppressed his tone: "Who sent it?"

"It was delivered by a courier, put down the things and left." The servant was at a loss.

He didn't pay attention either.

After all, it's just a courier.

"The man put down his things and left." He tried to recall, and then said in a panicked tone: "Master Shadow, is there something wrong?"

Shadow was in no mood to pay attention to him, and walked back with the courier, saying: "I'll help you get it in!"


In the largest bedroom of the manor, incense for nourishing one's mind was set off, and the whole room was filled with a dull aroma.

After the shadow walked in, it naturally lightened its steps.

"Why are you back?" Behind the curtain, the Queen's voice could not be heard.

Shadow stood firm in front of the curtain, the courier box in his hand was very hot, hesitated for a moment, and respectfully said to her: "Queen, someone sent you a courier."

"Express delivery?" The person behind the curtain had a strange tone, as if surprised.

Who will deliver the courier here?
The shadow's voice was extremely obscure and difficult: "The recipient wrote your name."

After a brief accident, the queen didn't have much emotional ups and downs: "Oh, who is the sender?"

She probably guessed who it was, and her voice changed from calm at the beginning to a little sinister: "It's that evil seed again?"

Shadow has been by her side for so many years, so he knows exactly where her lightning spot is, and understands who she is talking about: "No."

"Who isn't she?" The queen became interested.

Shadow stood there awkwardly. After a few seconds, he slightly raised his eyes and lowered his voice, "The name of Ji Qing written by the sender."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of breaking things inside the curtain.

Then there was a long silence.

Shadow knelt on one knee, not daring to raise his head at all.

"Hey." The queen's voice could hear the anger, suppressing the flames of the prairie fire: "She is so bold, she dared to use this name to send me a mail!"

This name was like a taboo, no one dared to mention it in front of her.

Shadow dared not speak at all.

The queen suppressed her anger and opened the express box. Inside the boxy express box was a printed A4 paper.

There are a few words written on it.

A paper?

She picked up the paper inside and looked at it. There were a few words written on it in a flamboyant manner.

[You want her to die because of anti-nuclear weapons? 】

The queen's complexion changed drastically, she clenched the paper tightly, her breathing stopped for a moment, she opened her mouth, and then closed it quickly.

"Are you all right?"

Seeing that there was no movement inside, Shadow asked softly.

"Look at this." The queen passed the paper to him through the curtain.

Shadow got up and took it silently, and at a glance, he showed a shocked expression like the queen, as if he had been known a big secret.


(End of this chapter)

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