Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2729 Sister Nian tells you what is arrogance

Chapter 2729 Sister Nian tells you what is arrogance

The queen calmed down in just a few seconds, and said coldly: "She is provoking."

"..." Shadow looked at the paper in his hand again, speechless for a long time.

This is more than a provocation, Qiao Nian is simply arrogant!
In the name of Ji Qing, she sent this in the courier. It looks like an ordinary sentence, but if it is put outside, it will definitely set off a storm.

The queen snorted, and said in a tone of extreme disgust: "This is the direct lineage of the Ji family. They are just like this, and they will pursue a target to the end. I still underestimated her. I didn't expect that she would even find out about this." .”

Shadow carefully folded the piece of paper and returned it, lowering his eyes and asking, "What are you going to do?"

"She has already given me a fight..." The Queen's voice behind the curtain was getting colder, and she was about to speak.

Shadow's phone vibrated suddenly, and he didn't plan to answer it.

But see the caller ID.

He cautiously said to the person behind the curtain: "The call from F continent, they probably have something urgent to do, otherwise they wouldn't call."

"Wait a minute, I'll answer the phone."

The queen was still immersed in the courier she received, without saying anything.

Shadow hurried out to answer the phone.

About 5 minutes.

He came back after answering the phone, the expression on his face became more serious, he hesitated to speak and said to the person behind the curtain: "Your Majesty, our forces in Continent F have been attacked."


Behind the curtains there was a dead silence.

He bit the bullet and finished hesitatingly: "So far, we have suffered heavy losses, and the people over there even asked them to send a message to you."

There was another silence behind the curtain, and after a long time, a hoarse and sinister voice was heard: "Say."

Shadow knelt down on one knee, his scalp was numb and said, "The other party said, this is the letter of war."

This is the gauntlet!
Very Qiao Nian's style!

Concise and concise.

Arrogant to the extreme!
They all thought that the courier that came to their door was her provocative gauntlet, but they didn't play this game at all.

If you want to come, do it directly.

Take out their power in Continent F.

They are different from the Yu family, and the queen and Yu Qingliu are not at the same level.

Is Qiao Nian crazy?
She is not afraid of...

Shadow only felt a chill running from his spine all the way to the nerve endings in the back of his brain, making his heart beat faster like an electric current, thumping wildly.

He heard his voice become hoarse: "David moved his hand, he is Qiao Nian's man, this time it should be Qiao Nian."

"I think she knows who you are."

Ji Ziyin waited from morning to afternoon but did not wait for the person who was doing the task with her to come.

Her complexion also went from being able to wear a mask at the beginning to the corners of her mouth gradually freezing, and her expression became more and more ugly.

The Privy Council is like a spinning top, everyone has their own things to be busy with. She stood at the place leading the task for a long time, except for giving her the task at the very beginning, the busy people inside ignored her.

Until Ji Ziyin couldn't wait to call out to that person: "Excuse me, may I ask the other person..."

She watched him impatiently.

Ji Ziyin suppressed her anger and changed her tone: "When will Qiao Nian come?"

The person in charge of distributing tasks to her was a man in his forties who belonged to the conservative faction. He treated her in a normal manner. He looked her up and down and replied impatiently, "She's not coming."


Ji Ziyin pinched the palm of her hand and gritted her teeth: "But don't we want to complete the task together? If she doesn't come to accept the task, I..."

(End of this chapter)

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