Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2731 Mr. Xue came to deliver things personally

Chapter 2731 Mr. Xue came to deliver things personally

"The Ji family has long been different from the original Ji family. Not all of the Ji family's direct lineage has the ability of that person. I'm afraid he made a wrong bet."

Ji Ziyin was very smart not to answer at this moment.

After the hook-nosed old man finished speaking, his eyes fell on her, he paused, reached out and patted her shoulder, and said, "You don't have to worry about this."

"Although you are not a direct descendant of Ji's family, you are just a side branch. As long as you can complete the mission well, if you overwhelm her in this mission, other people will notice you."

...Although you are not the direct line of the Ji family, you are just a side branch.

…You just need to do a good job to get other people to notice you.

When Ji Ziyin heard him say this in an extremely light tone, it was as embarrassing as if someone had stripped her clothes and exposed her old background.

When Ji Lingfeng still valued her in Independent Continent, she hated people mentioning that she was not a direct descendant.

However, Leonard is not someone she can afford.

She could only bear the other party's inadvertent humiliation abruptly.

"I know, Mr. Lei."

Leonard touched her shoulder lightly, and quickly withdrew his hand. It seemed that patting her shoulder was enough to express his "importance" to her. He encouraged her with words, and he quickly said: "Then go back first, I have something to do too."

Ji Ziyin recalled what the person said earlier that Mr. Xue personally helped Qiao Nian take the task and sent it there, and then looked at Leonard's 'importance' to her, and could clearly feel the gap in the middle.

But she didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction, and immediately turned sideways to make way: "Okay, Mr. Lei, you can go to work."

Leonard simply encouraged her again, and his head would not go away.

Ji Ziyin looked at the back of him leaving, found the mobile phone and entered a phone number, with eyes like a poisonous snake spitting out letters, edited a text message and sent it.

In the evening, the silver-haired old man called.


Qiao Nian had just finished the video call with Daji, knowing that he was looking for someone to deliver the courier, and he also conveyed his words through Continent F.

As soon as he hung up the phone, he received a call from Mr. Xue.

She got up and walked to the window, rubbing her swollen eyebrows, impatiently: "Is there something wrong?"

Below the apartment.

In the black car, the driver's eyelids twitched when he heard the girl's casual voice on the phone, and subconsciously peeked at the expression of the old man in the car through the rearview mirror.

Mr. Xue came over to deliver things in person.

The other party had such an attitude, and he didn't see anyone coming down to pick him up.

However, he saw that the silver-haired old man's face remained unchanged, and he didn't seem to feel offended, so he said in a good-tempered manner: "You forgot that today is the day to send out missions, I'm here to send you missions."

He pressed down the car window to look at the tall apartment building, then looked away, and said in a soothing tone: "Are you where you live?"

"Well, here."

Xue Lao quite calmly opened the car door to get out of the car: "Then wait for me, and I will take it up for you."

Only then did Qiao Nian come to his senses. Considering his age, he suppressed his exhaustion and wanted to take a shower, and said, "No, I'll come down and get it."

When the driver heard this, he felt that the other party was reacting normally.

Who knew that the silver-haired old man didn't mean to ask the other party to come down, so he said naturally: "I just want to discuss with you, and I will take it up for you."


"Wait for me for 5 minutes, I'll take the elevator up." He took the task envelope that Ji Ziyin had received, and walked towards the apartment building.

Qiao Nian didn't delay any longer: "That's fine, I'll wait for you at home."

(End of this chapter)

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