Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2732 The task of the Privy Council this time is

Chapter 2732 The task of the Privy Council this time is

Mr. Xue went up quickly.

Before he raised his hand to knock on the door, he lowered his hand, lowered his eyes, straightened his clothes, and rang the doorbell after making sure that he was neatly dressed.

"I'm coming."

A sloppy male voice came from inside.

Mr. Xue felt like he had heard it somewhere.

The door in front of him was opened, and a handsome face poked out from behind the door, looking at him in surprise, their eyes met.

Hearing the other party's howling, Mr. Xue turned around and shouted, "Sister Qiao, someone is looking for you!"

Then the man turned his face, patted his face, and said to him: "Please come in and sit down, sister Qiao will come down immediately."

Gu San heard the movement in the entrance, wiped his hands and walked over, asking, "Who is it?"

Qin Si stiffened his face, his eyelids twitched, and pouted at him vigorously: "The Privy Council that... that..."

"Which one?" Gu San hasn't seen the person blocked by him yet.

Qin Si's cheek muscles twitched, he didn't know whether he was angry or depressed, and was about to shape his mouth.

Mr. Xue had already walked into the hallway from behind him, and asked them, "Do I need to change my shoes?"

"..." Gu San saw who was behind him.

The reaction was fairly quick, and he immediately waved his hand and said, "No, no, Mr. Xue, you can just come in. I'll call Miss Qiao for you."

He hurried to find someone, stopped after taking two steps, then scratched his head and asked the old man, "Um, are you looking for Ms. Qiao or Mr. Wang?"

He almost forgot that Master Wang had also entered the Privy Council with Miss Qiao.

Maybe they didn't come to see Miss Qiao, but Mr. Wang?
After Mr. Xue came in, he asked Qin Si where he could sit.

Qin Si led him to the living room.

It happened that Mr. Xue heard Gu San asking himself, found a place to sit down, and at the same time raised his head and said: "I'm looking for the two of them."

"Miss Qiao is in the room on the second floor, Master Wang is in the study, wait a moment, I'll call them for you." Gu San hurried to call for someone.

Qin Si was not idle either. When the old man sat down, he asked him if he would like tea. He went into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and put it on the table in front of the old man.

He himself was sitting opposite, chatting with each other one after another, enlivening the atmosphere.

Qiao Nian already knew that Mr. Xue was coming to find her.

Gu San went to the study and informed Ye Wangchuan that she had already changed into her home clothes and came down the stairs. When she saw the silver-haired old man sitting in the living room, she walked over and greeted him familiarly: "You are here."

"En." Mr. Xue is not very familiar with her so far, but he has a natural affection for Qiao Nian's Eastern blood, so he nodded, looking very friendly: "Have you resolved today's matter?"

He was asking if the matter of not going to the Privy Council that Qiao Nian asked him for leave had been resolved.

Qiao Nian had already walked in front of him, and sat down on the sofa next to Qin Si carelessly, raised her eyelids, her dark eyes were exceptionally beautiful: "Ah, that's settled."

She also sent it back by courier.

The challenge book is also down.

Everyone is completely tearing their skins apart.

After that, it depends on your own ability.

"Just settle it." Mr. Xue didn't know that what she said had something to do with the Queen, let alone that Qiao Nian attacked the Queen's property in Continent F. He thought it was just because of her family's business that she didn't come to the Privy Council today: "I Let me tell you about the mission."

He handed one of the two envelopes he brought to the girl: "Look."

Qiao Nian took it, opened the sealed envelope, took out the task inside, and passed it over at a glance: "Save people?"

(End of this chapter)

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