Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2733 He didn't know that Sister Nian knew Lu Zhi

Chapter 2733 He didn't know that Sister Nian knew Lu Zhi
Old Xue shook his head: "It's not about saving people, but asking you to find someone."

Ye Wangchuan also came out of the study, came over to say hello to Mr. Xue, and Mr. Xue handed him another envelope.


Ye Wangchuan took it over, opened the envelope with slender fingers, and read it with lowered eyes like Qiao Nian: "Tsk, Organization K?"

Xue Lao took a sip of the coffee made by Qin Si, put it down, and said calmly: "Yes, your mission this time is related to the K organization. Someone fled outside with some secrets of the Privy Council. We The information collected now shows that he is hiding in the K organization."

"If it was not so difficult before, we only need to communicate with the K organization to bring people back, but now it's different..."

He paused, covered his eyes with his hands, and took them away again, looking at the girl with sharp eyes, as if he had a headache.

"We broke up with the K organization."

"The K organization doesn't know if it helped hide this person, and we don't know what Lu Zhi thinks, so we have to find a way to bring this person back by ourselves."

The last time the Queen insisted on Ji Ziyin entering the Privy Council, many people were dissatisfied with the Queen's decision. This time, it was reported that they had broken up with the K organization, making it difficult for the Hermit Family to act. Privately, everyone was more dissatisfied with the Queen's recent behavior. .

It's just that the empress is the face of the hidden family after all.

Everyone's dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, and it has not yet reached the point of impeachment.

So I have to find a way to solve the problem in front of me, it is impossible to just leave it alone.

After some discussion, the Privy Council decided to take this matter as a task to test newcomers.

Qiao Nian rested her hands on the sofa, had already read the contents of the envelope, raised her eyebrows and said, "Do you mean whether you are looking for someone?"

Mr. Xue squeezed the gleam in his eyes and smiled lightly, then picked up his coffee again: "You can understand it that way."

"OK." Qiao Nian finally received his hint.

Mr. Xue saw that she was smart enough to understand, and thought of one thing: "By the way, did Ji Ziyin contact you?"

Ye Wangchuan was not very interested in the task of finding or saving people, on the contrary he was more concerned about where the person was hiding.

Qiao Nian tugged on the back cushion, heard the words, and remembered that this mission required three people to cooperate, so he raised the corners of his mouth: "No."

"She took the task in the morning, and she hasn't contacted you yet?" The silver-haired old man frowned slightly, and immediately stopped saying, "Then you don't need to worry about her, as long as you complete this task within five days."

Ji Ziyin is backed by the queen and the radicals, and she is not serious enough to enter the Privy Council. Coupled with the fact that Qi Yan framed Qiao Nian before, he has a very bad sense of Ji Ziyin, and he can see that Ji Ziyin is a person who can only play tricks .

"Okay." The girl replied casually, and put the envelope in her hand back on the coffee table.

Old Xue told her about the K organization, including some information about Lu Zhi.

He thought that Qiao Nian didn't know Lu Zhi, so he specifically emphasized: "Lu Zhi is not an easy person to provoke. Although he is disabled, his skills are no worse than normal people, and he is even more cold-blooded and tough. That person is hard to find under his protection. , try not to conflict with him. In case of conflict, don't confront him..."

Everyone present didn't know the relationship between Qiao Nian and Lu Zhi.

Qin Si and the others heard how difficult and unreasonable it was for Mr. Xue to talk to the girl Lu Zhi with a serious face.

(End of this chapter)

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