Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2735 I found myself blocked by Miss Nian

Chapter 2735 I found myself blocked by Miss Nian
Ji Ziyin waited at the residence until the evening, but Qiao Nian didn't reply to her text message. After wiping her face, she picked up her mobile phone and read the text message she sent again.


Based on her understanding of Qiao Nian's character, after seeing her last text message, she would never lick her face and insist on cooperating with her.

But Qiao Nian didn't return.

She was always a little worried.

After wiping her face, Ji Ziyin sat in front of the dressing table for a while, thinking about editing another text message and sending it to test it out.

【Qiao Nian, what do you think? 】

After sending the message, she was about to put down her phone.

The light flickered on the screen, and out of the corner of Ji Ziyin's eye, she saw that the text message she just sent was returned.

There is a striking red exclamation mark in front of the text message.

She is not a fool, it is impossible for her not to be aware of the situation in front of her.

Qiao Nian blocked her!
Ji Ziyin's heart beat faster, her face turned red just after wiping, she didn't know if it was from anger or something else, it took her a long time to calm down, she went to the window with a blank expression and sent a message to Lu Yiming: "You are here ."

Lu Yiming didn't reply to her for a long time.

Ji Ziyin stood uneasy for a long time, and chose to call Lu Yiming's phone.

There were more than a dozen rings on the other end, and before I was about to hang up, I finally answered: "Hello."

Ji Ziyin suppressed her voice and tried her best to sound normal; "Hey, I saw that you didn't reply to the message, so I said to call you to ask, have you arrived yet?"

"Just arrived home." Lu Yiming immediately asked alienatedly: "Did you ask me for something?"

Ji Ziyin originally wanted to care about him first, and then mention Lu Zhi. Who knew Lu Yiming's attitude, she endured it, and had to get to the point: "I want to ask, can you contact Lu Zhi?"


"Didn't I tell you last time that my entry into the Privy Council has something to do with Lu Zhi. He helped me a lot. I must thank him."

Lu Yiming understood, and asked in surprise, "Can't you contact him yourself?"

Ji Ziyin didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Of course she had Lu Zhi's contact information, but Lu Zhi didn't talk to her at all. After thinking about it, she still wanted to use Lu Yiming's line to ease the relationship between her and Lu Zhi.

It wasn't the first day Lu Yiming knew her. Seeing her silence, he probably guessed what Ji Ziyin was up to, so he said directly to her, "I can't help you either."

"You are not him..." brother.

The word is not finished yet.

Lu Yiming just laughed, quite mockingly, and didn't mention the matter of offending Lu Zhi for helping her earlier, he just said: "Lu Zhi has long since ignored anyone in the Lu family, if you want to do something with him, you'd better go to him directly, I can not help you."

Ji Ziyin was embarrassed and uncomfortable for a moment when he exposed her true purpose, but she quickly adjusted and said immediately: "I have nothing to look for him, I just want to thank him."

She didn't care whether Lu Yiming believed it or not, so she changed the subject and said, "Then I'll contact him myself, you go to bed early."

She hung up the phone, walked back to the room, and before going to bed, she found Lu Zhi's phone number that she had saved and sent a text message.

It was ten o'clock in the evening in the illegal area, and Jian Jin returned to the brightly lit super large villa from the night with the takeaway.

There are soft carpets everywhere in the villa, which is warm and comfortable.

The soft white furniture and decorations made it impossible to see any filth, but the huge villa was extremely quiet, except for someone watching TV alone in the living room.

(End of this chapter)

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